Is the resurrection of Jesus Christ really that important? ?
Without it… Preaching is empty (1 Cor 15:14) Faith is empty (1 Cor 15:14) Christians are still in their sins (1 Cor 15:17) Christians who die are lost forever (1 Cor 15:18) Christians are of all people, most to be pitied (1 Cor 15:19) There is no justification (Romans 4:25)
The Linchpin of Christianity!
Fair Questions: Wasn’t it just wishful thinking on the part of the Christians? Wasn’t it just a “spiritual” resurrection? Other people raised to life in the Bible, what’s the big deal about Jesus being raised?
Jesus resurrection compared to others in the Scripture Elijah/sha (1 Kings 17; 2 Kings 4), Peter (Acts 9), Paul (Acts 20) and others raised people so what’s the big deal? Because of the claim he attached to his being raised. (That he was the son of God) Because he’s the only one that never died again. Only Jesus’ resurrection was foretold in the OT scriptures.
So if it is important… How can we defend it?
? Did Jesus really rise from the grave?
We base any historical event upon the evidence. The evidence is overwhelmingly persuasive in support of the resurrection. (Remember the difference between proof and persuasion!)
Let’s look at the evidence! The Gospel accounts are too early to be legends. Humans can’t stand keeping their tricks secret (children, war deception, candid camera)
Let’s look at the evidence! The tomb was and is still empty Joseph of Arimethea in the story (well known Sanhedrin member) No competing burial stories Even anti-Christian propaganda confirms an empty tomb! (Jews said the body was stolen) Tomb was never venerated as a shrine, because there were no bones in it!
Let’s look at the evidence! The many witnesses Mary Magdalene (Mark 16) The women (Mat 28) Two disciples on road (Luke 24), Peter (1 Cor 15) Disciples –Thomas (John 20) Disciples +Thomas, fishing disciples (Jn 21), Mount Galilee(Mat 28), 500(1 Cor 15), at the ascension (Acts 1) Normalness of witnesses (“Some doubted” –Mat 28) Women!
Lets look at the evidence! The radical change in the apostles – From paranoid to preaching (and willing to die) The world was turned upside down. Jewish day of worship changed Our calendar changed The radical change in people for 2000 years! The radical change in you !
Evidence is compelling, but… we must have faith! Remember this as it will change how you share the evidence. “…with gentleness and respect.”