In The Hush Of Early Morning 1-3 In the hush of early morning, When the breeze is whisp'ring low, There's a voice that gently calls me, And its accents well I know; Here I am, O Savior, waiting, For Thy will alone is mine; This is all my crown and glory: I am Thine, and only Thine. In the hush of early morning, When the breeze is whisp'ring low, There's a voice that gently calls me, And its accents well I know; Here I am, O Savior, waiting, For Thy will alone is mine; This is all my crown and glory: I am Thine, and only Thine. Words by Mrs. R. N. Turner / Music by William J. Kirkpatrick
In The Hush Of Early Morning 2-3 When the noontide falls upon me, With its fervid light'ning ray, There's a voice divinely earnest, Bids me work while it is day; Open, Savior, now before me All Thy will for me to do; Only help me, watching, working, Still to keep my Lord in view. When the noontide falls upon me, With its fervid light'ning ray, There's a voice divinely earnest, Bids me work while it is day; Open, Savior, now before me All Thy will for me to do; Only help me, watching, working, Still to keep my Lord in view.
In The Hush Of Early Morning 3-3 As the dewy shades steal downward O'er the earth at evening mild, There's a voice I love that whispers, After labor, rest, my child; O my Savior, loving, tender, Help me to account it blest Thus to work within Thy vineyard, ill Thou callest me to rest. As the dewy shades steal downward O'er the earth at evening mild, There's a voice I love that whispers, After labor, rest, my child; O my Savior, loving, tender, Help me to account it blest Thus to work within Thy vineyard, ill Thou callest me to rest.