What (Else) is New in ELA?
Language Arts Support Information Links to the ELA BLOG are posted here. Please note the Q & A section for ongoing updates. The ELA Handbook has been revised and reposted with updates reflecting the new adoption. The section to the right of each of the grade level LA Course guides includes the GHGR Adoption Support page, which offers links to additional information as follows (you must be logged onto PICASSO to access the Administrator Training Handouts) Instructional Portfolio – Grades 4-5 must have documentation of 25 books read and Must keep the2nd quarter benchmark in the portfolio. K,1,2,3, have manilla folder portfolios and Grades 4-5 have the County Portfolio to use for continued documentation. Caps have been included for DRA2
Good Habits, Great Readers Adoption Support Link to DRA2 Training Online: http://www.mypearsontraining.com/products/dra2/tutorials.asp Link to Words Their Way Training Online: http://www.mypearsontraining.com/products/wordstheirway/tutorials.asp Link to GHGR Reading & Writing Samplers Online: http://www.pearsonschool.com/index.cfm?locator=PSZ16e&elementType=mergedNavGroup&navGroupName=Preview%20Products&navGroupChildren=Preview%20Print%20Products&PMDbProgramID=28561 Link to GHGR Online Database username CCSD, password Cobb http://www.pearsonlearning.com/microsites/goodhabits/index.cfm Link to Training Possibilities/Elementary LA BLOG http://cicobb.typepad.com/es_la/2009/06/training-possibilities.html Link to Elementary Administrators Training Handouts http://picasso.cobbk12.org/CobbCurriculum/Curriculum/ELA0506/ghgrtrainingpacket.pdf More to come in Future Installments Please remember to read Curriculum Briefings for curriculum support – especially now with the new adoption. These sites indicate the online training sources available for your access and implementation support. 1st you see another opportunity for online DRA Administration support, the next Words Their Way support. The last link includes, among other things, the “Look Fors” that Principals are using in observing balanced literacy instruction in the classroom.
*Combination of reading and writing on one map Unit Outlines *Combination of reading and writing on one map *Unit Instructional Support after each nine weeks Left side bar shows the 3 major areas – curriculum teaching and administration. Curriculum Briefings are found under the Administration section. Reading and Writing are included on the one map with the instructional support – linked to a table of contents between each 9 weeks. This is an example of othe lst grade course guide. The nine weeks are titled to reflect the GHGR Unit Titles. As mentioned, the Unit Instructional Support bar is new – and has a table of contents for pieces offered there – such as high frequency word lists,
Table of Contents for the Unit Instructional Support Page Each grade will have GHGR Correlation Table The Unit Summative Common Assessments are found here. The GHGR CorrelationTable contains forms of assessment for your instructional support.
GHGR Lessons Aligned with Standards/Elements/PICASSO & Assessments that Guide Instruction in each Correlation Chart Each grade level has this information for the alignment of Pearson and Picasso essential lessons and instructional support.
Lesson Outlines Have a New Look
Topics/Nine Weeks Essential and Supplemental Lessons This is a list of instructional resources. These are instructional supports you already have + a few optional pieces. Esesntial Lessons will always be mentioned 1st and may reference/include lessons in the GHGR. The supplemental lessons may be used for differentiation and support of a specific element… also for remediation, extension, reteaching, as needed.
Sample Workshop Schedule Intermediate 8:05 – 8:30 Reading Minilesson (Strategy lesson focusing on becoming an Independent Reader/Writer) 8:30 – 8:45 Independent Reading/Teacher Conferencing (This time will increase as the year progresses.) 8:45 – 9:05 Small Strategy Focus Group (Guided Reading) Students work on… * Reading Response Journals * Reading with a Partner * Literature Circle Book/ Book Club/ Book of their Choice/Conference Task * Words Their Way Sorts 9:10 – 9:15 Share (What did you do today that helped you become a better reader?) 9:15 – 9:40 Words Their Way Minilesson 9:45 – 9:55 Writing Minilesson 9:55 – 10: 25 Independent Writing/Conferencing 10:25 – 10:30 Share (What did you do today that helped you become a better writer?) 10:30 – 10:40 Read Aloud (Chapter Book) The big idea we're focusing on is being a better independent reader. You're giving minilessons on that topic (GHGR is providing some of those lessons for you). You're allowing the children practice time (independent reading) ... you're conferencing and together you both make goals... the children are orally telling you what they have done to be successful with those strategies you've taught (Share time/conferencing) and also telling you in written form (using reading response journals). It is critical that all components of balanced literacy be taught - the writing may rely on the shared reading piece….etc. In the Assessment Handbook, you can find info that supports teacher observation for commentary - which should occur during independent reading as well as the other times. There are reading logs for all grade levels. The DRA has the wide reading survey for all kids as a part of it- it is about what they read by themselves!! This presentation is going to be posted – as a possible suggested schedule – for beginning the balanced literacy reading/writing schedule… these are ideas to consider when developing your own schedule…your school expectations may vary and be negotiated in your building. You may start off with the shared reading, then add the guided reading…all are testing for the first few weeks. In the GHGR TE Planner, you will see some components for three days and others in the other two days.
Sample Workshop Schedule Primary 8:05-8:15- Shared Reading Mini Lesson 8:15-8:35- Words Their Way 8:35-8:50- Shared Reading Focus Lesson (Strategy lesson focusing on becoming an Independent Reader/Writer) 8:50-9:50- Independent reading & conferencing/guided reading/centers/share time 8:50-9:05-Independent Reading & Conferencing 9:05-9:25-Small Group (guided reading) Centers- rotation 1 9:25-9:45-Small Group (Guided reading) Centers – rotation 2 9:45-9:50- Share Time 9:50-10:35- Writing workshop (mini lesson/writing time & teacher conferencing/Share time) 9:50-10:00- Writing Mini Lesson 10:00-10:30- Writing & Conferencing 10:30-10:35- Share Time In the assessment handbook (k-1) on page 21 it talks about observation and one on one time. (K/1: Assessment Handbk p. 21) (2/3: Assessment handbook page 21) On page 42 there is an entire section for reading journal and reading conference. Also the back of the book with all the reading conference questions at each grade level The DRA now has the wide reading survey for all kids as a part of it- it is about what they read by themselves!!
ABC Rap (Sound Spelling Cards) Power point to match your classroom sound spelling cards Meant for K-2 whole/small group instruction, and for any 3-5 student struggling with decoding Similar, but not exactly the same picture (an artist, but a different artist) A different lyric for each card, but with the same melody throughout Suggested kinesthetic action for each card (Uniformity for transition sake) Found on the right side of the K, 1 & 2 LA Course Guides on PICASSO
j ge -dge gi What do you see? What do you see? I see a fast jet soaring toward me. What do you hear? What do you hear? Jet /j/ /j/ Jet /j/ /j/ There is a K version that is downloadable that does not contain all the sound spelling patterns. If you would like to begin with that and progress to the other version, that is your choice. Kinesthetic Action: Move your hand quickly through the air like jet that is soaring.
Training/Implementation Timeline AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL GHGR Summer Overviews Handwriting Training Online GHGR Summer Institute DRA Training QT DRA/Word Analysis & Assessment – Writing/W2 Commentary LA/SS QT Words Their Way Assessment/ Commentary LA/SS As of today, you should all have had the Overviews, and by end of August DRA training. QT is scheduled for Sept. 22 – 24th.. DRA2 - Word Analysis is not for every child. In the next 2-3 years, you will probably have more opportunities to receive training online, in blackboard format, on site and in collaboration with you team in that setting. etc. Schools May Set Up Ongoing Training DRA/Word Analysis Training Math/Science QT Math/Science QT
What’s New? Language Arts Implementation 2009-2010 Summer Fall Winter Spring Continue: Writing Assessments/W2 25 Book Standard 4/5 Implement New Course Guide, Units, Lessons using GHGR Z-B Handwriting Instruction: K, 1, 2 Manuscript 3 Cursive In 1 & 2 especially this year Don’t force conformity - Instruct for legibility Fall DRA Assessment: New Students Students w/No level info Students that do not perform as spring level indicates Goal:At least 2 students per classroom by October 1 Principals may require more at the local level Over 7 million dollars were just spent on these adopted materials and as good stewards - It is expected, that throughout the county, in fact, there is an administrative rule stating that we will be using the adopted materials. DRA2 – Who gets it? New students, students with no level information and students who do not perform as the spring level indicates. The goal is that at least 2 students per classroom by Oct. 1st, most of you will have at least 2 new people that fit into that category but if you are in a very stable population, you should select 2 students for practice by Oct. 1st. This means YOU are doing the DRA on your students – not someone else, EIP, etc. administering the DRA for you. Individual Principals may require more at the local level. Zaner Bloser is the handwriting instruction for this year – the goal is automaticity and legibility. Reminder, the Mid year Achievement Series piece - 2nd quarter is administered and kept in the portfolio . The W2s for writing will be field tested on the CRCT. Spring DRA Assessment: All Students Mid-Year Achievement Series 1st-5th
Report Card Changes K-2 In Addition to Teacher Rubric Indicator (Reads Orally . . .) Marked 3+,3,2,1 . . . . . Fountas and Pinnell Level Reported Each Quarter – Not Just at the End of the Year Read Slide – have teachers find the places on their grade level report cards – Then ask what other things they note as differences: The report card itself does not have all of the information from the rubrics – there is not room. The rubric is much more detailed. The F & P Level is indicated for parent communication in the transition year. …and will easily reflect growth and progress – began in FP level G is now in FP Level J
If you look at the K report card, you will see that everything builds. Rubrics have been rewritten for SS and Science. There is no 3+ defined on the rubrics – but here you see the definition – makes applications and inferences beyond expectations – it will be up to the teacher to document evidence and determine the 3+ performance. Note the NA in the performance indicators box…if a teacher has not taught a piece, the NA is used.