Reading Workshop Powerful Teaching for All Students At sign in teachers need to: Make sure they signed in Set protocol Give out Getting you Know you-find someone who “We do not learn to write by writing. We develop writing style through reading.” The Power of Reading by Stephen Krashen Presented by Linda Biondi and Carol Hotchkiss
Cell phones Sidebar conversations Listen hard and speak softly Workshop Protocol Cell phones Sidebar conversations Listen hard and speak softly Cell phones on buzz-if need to take an important call, please leave but do not use during session Listen to each other/ show respect/no sidebars
Have you read a good book lately? Share a book that you liked. Why? Talk about how the joy of reading is individual but also shared. We can begin with talking about a book that we loved. Make a chart- post book and reason why Maybe talk about what influences our reading and how it is the same with our students
What was your first reading memory? Think about your first reading memory. What do you recall-images come to your mind. See, hear, smell?? Why is it important . Write about it-draw –timeline. Be creative. Journal activity. Time line . Any way you want to. Activity we use with our kids to get to know them. Give them flexibility using what works best for them-art, etc. Can do turn and talk or share out
Comparing Traditional and Reading Approaches Readers Workshop Whole class novel-on the same page no matter the level Students involved in independent reading at their own pace and own levels Students given “seatwork” when not in reading groups Students reading independently, in pairs or small groups Reading is taught as a task to complete Reading is taught as a process with teacher modeling Teacher selects reading materials for students and groups Students select reading material with teacher guidance Few writing opportunities Writing occurs before, during and after reading Students are assessed in typical test taking format-read, answer questions, multiple choice Students are involved in alternate forms of assessment-anecdotal records, running records, journals, observations, rubrics, conferences All get one. What do you notice and how does it fit into your classroom instruction? Talk about what Readers Workshop looks in their classroom/perhaps what they want it or perceive it to look like Sketch what looks like years before, now and what you might change. Optional
Reflection: Why are we here? What goals do you have for yourself as a professional educator throughout this course? How will your learning through this course impact your students and their learning? Capture expectations, set focus on teacher and student success. Give participants a few minutes to reflect and record their goals on sticky notes, then share out as a table group or whole group. Goals could be recorded on sticky notes and displayed as an affinity. During this time teachers also respond to concensogram posted on chart paper- mini-lesssons, read to/write to, guided reading, writing conferences, reader response
What’s wrong with this picture? Way we used to read. Talk about books that you might have read that were too hard or too easy. Reading groups that stayed the same.
What is READER’S WORKSHOP? The method in which we teach Reading is through a BALANCED LITERACY approach that includes daily Readers' and Writers' Workshops, using exemplar literature, state standards as the curriculum, and on-going assessment of individual student needs to guide instruction. What is READER’S WORKSHOP?
What are students’ beliefs about reading? Anchor chart Show anchor chart of: “Readers have time to read just-right books independently every day.” “Readers select their own appropriate books.” “Readers take care of books.” “Readers respect each other’s reading time and reading lives.” “Readers have daily opportunities to talk about their books in genuine ways.” “Readers don’t just read the words but also understand the story.” “Readers’ work in the independent reading workshop is replicable outside the classroom.” Cited directly from: Collins, K. (2004). Growing Readers: Units of Study in the Primary Classroom. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers. What are students’ beliefs about reading? Anchor chart
A Literate Rich Reading Environment The Nuts and Bolts of Readers Workshop. Classroom library Strive for quality literature. Donors choose, grants, parent donations, garage sales. Solicit suggestions on how you organize your library. A Literate Rich Reading Environment
Time: student need substantial time to read and look through books Did You Know? If a child reads for 20 minutes every day, they are exposed to about 1.8 million words of text every year. That is 137 new words per minute! If families read together for 20 minutes a day, 7 days a week, they get more than 121 hours of bonding time every year! For every year you read with your child, average lifetime earnings increase by $50,000. You make a $250,000 gift to your child from birth to age five by reading aloud, just 20 minutes a day Talk about how you can fit it in. Which works best for your class? Block of time. Why mini lesson is short; what Readers Workshop resembles.
Choice: Students need the opportunity to choose reading material for themselves Leveled and by genre. In beginning observe students and their interests. Do they track as they read? Do they pretend to read? Eyes on text? Eyebrows wrinkled in thought? Taking notes.
Tools That Make it Interactive Comfortable space to listen & turn and talk Clipboards/Whiteboards Post-it notes Response sheets/notebook Anchor charts to make learning visible Students may also have a copy of the text at times. As you start to release responsibility, students have the opportunity to try out the use of the strategy with a short text. They may work with a partner or small group. Tools That Make it Interactive
More Nuts and Bolts Crafting Where will they sit? How will they get there? Materials? Sign out sheets Let’s make an anchor chart of rules of RWS-do one together . Crafting
Where will independent reading materials be stored? Reading spots Scheduling Conferences Managing Small Groups Increase stamina. Set a timer. Gradually extend time. In primary grades consider spending half of the time in independent reading and half of the time in partner reading. Use anchor charts and rubrics.
Resources ~ Bag of Books each student has a bag (could be a zip-lock bag) with 2-3 books, post-its, reading journal or notebook, etc.
Turn & Talk Establish procedures and/or partners for turn and talk. Some teachers assign partners early (for conversation, reading ability isn’t as important as behavior). You can change partners periodically. It helps with time management to have partners come to the crafting area sitting beside their turn & talk partner. Turn & Talk
Essentials of Reading Workshop Teacher Model- Read to Shared Reading Mini lessons (researched based reading strategies)- no more than 10 minutes Independent reading-about 20-30 minutes Guided Reading Time to read independently and time to share Partner talk Sharing Reflection and Evaluation Reading Workshop (60 mins.) Minilesson/Read To Independent Reading Guided Reading Literature Study/ Book Clubs Sharing Teach each component as it relates to the parallel component. For example, discuss read to and then write to, reading Mini lesson and writing Mini lesson. Modeling is key to instruction We model our thinking, writing, and processes for children as mature readers and writers Writing to and reading to students is the instructional approach with the most teacher support- students listen in, while teacher models The teacher is the facilitator-not the old fashioned stand up with a ruler and everyone reads at the same time, same book.
Setting Up Readers Workshop And More Leveling books Book Wizard Links on the Internet Book Leveling Sites Catalogue your books Book Retriever How to use it: Booksource Resources to level; bring in books; type in words to find levels; book wizard . Organization by Themes, , author, and Levels Balance of Fiction, Nonfiction, and Informational Text Setting Up Readers Workshop
Components of a Crafting Lesson Makes a connection (What & Why) and provides an overview Teaching point: (How) Demonstrates a strategy, skill or craft Active Participation: Provides an opportunity for students to apply the technique: gradually release responsibility Links (When & Why) the technique to their reading and writing lives To With By As you gradually release responsibility, the length of the teaching point decreases and the active participation INCREASES (a common experience where students apply the strategy). Components of a Crafting Lesson
Look into Readers Workshop . Readers Workshop-short video reading-workshop-lesson (entire lesson with explanation) What do you notice about the structure of the workshops? What questioning strategies does Rick use to facilitate peer discussion and increase engagement? How does Rick use a "think aloud" to model this thinking while reading the book? What strategies does Rick use to engage students in the story? Look into Readers Workshop 26 minute overview of RWS—put questions on chart to refer to Mini lesson overview See how he structures his workshop
A Glance at a Mini Lesson Read the mini lesson transcript. Be prepared to share at least one thought, reaction, question, when you finish. Pages 96-99??? Use with lesson plan transcripts (Notebook Connections) Reading A-Z book See text rendering next slide
Group will debrief about any new insights or connections. Mini Lessons Text Rendering: Mini Lesson—Mark a sentence, a phrase and a word that you think is important. First round: Each person will share a sentence from the document that he or she feels significant. (Facilitator will record the sentence) Second round: Each person shares a phrase that she feels is important. (Facilitator will record the phrase) Third round: Each person shares the word that he/she feels is important. (Facilitator will record the word) Group will debrief about any new insights or connections. Optional: ???????This assignment piggybacks on chapter 5. The participant should note any important information. Read pages 47-50. Each person will summarize with a phrase, a sentence, a….
But how do I know if they are comprehending? While…students work with partner to read and discuss a book Teacher may: Conduct one or more guided reading groups Observe Confer with partners You know when they are faking it….need to check notebooks/stop and jots/
The Vehicle to Effective Balanced Literacy Video clip Independent Reading This is an essential time for students to practice reading skills and become more adept at applying these skills in a variety of texts they can and want to read! If students do not have the ability to work for sustained periods of time without teacher support, it will be impossible for the teacher to work with small groups or have reading conferences. Independent reading is much more than busy work; students are engaged in meaningful tasks. Developing a strong independent reading program is the best option. It is crucial that teachers effectively manage this time and establish routines. The Vehicle to Effective Balanced Literacy
Anchor Charts Video Table talk discussion: How do anchor charts support and scaffold students in learning? Person with shortest hair can share out for groups Anchor charts are a critical piece of an literacy active/rich classroom. The teachers used chart paper to model writing, keep a running list (ex. of what good readers do) for students to remember points from a lesson, record what readers/writers do as they think The key is that students have a visual that reminds them of the content from the lesson where information was recorded on the chart. It also scaffolds information. Anchor charts are live and not reused from year to year. Some teachers tape to hangers and hang on chart stand. Students can access as needed. Have teachers make anchor charts about rules for Workshop, etc.
Partners share There are many different ways to reflect!!’Video 2 or 3 students share Don’t forget to share –important part of it Video—student discussion. Yes, they can!
Students Reflect on Independent Reading Early reflection sessions should focus on process and reading behaviors!
Your turn to work on anchor charts Give out first 20 days. Make anchor charts…use lab if necessary –Pinterest but this is a working time for anchor charts.
10 minute reflection of today’s learning… New thinking or Confirmed thinking One question What is rolling around in your head about Readers Workshop? Exit slip 1st stop top of pyramid, 2nd stop middle of pyramid, 3rd stop base of pyramid
Door Prize…. We will pick 2 people each morning for a prize. We will be sharing your exit slips.
The Heart of a Teacher The
Exit Slip