K-1 Orientation What is multiage? Lauren Kiszie and Julie Bayne Vaughan Elementary
Most of what I really need to know about how to live, what to do, and how to be, I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom did not lie at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in a kindergarten classroom. Robert Fulghum
What is Multiage? We are called Multiage because we have a mixture of children ages 5 through 7 years old. Multiage classes take the focus off meeting the needs of the whole group of students and instead meet the needs of each individual student. So, unlike many same-age classes where children view their successes by how well they compare to others in their class, each child will learn to focus on his or her personal progress.
Some of the characteristics of a K-1 family classroom are: Heterogeneous grouping Sense of family Program flexibility Cooperation Family classrooms tend to foster a spirit of cooperation, rather than competition.
What type of student will benefit most from this type of structure? We think the best answer to this question is the answer found in research by Lancaster Central Elementary School, "If a student would benefit from spending two years with the same teacher(s), working in small groups, from developing a variety of peer relationships, from learning material that is appropriate for his/her readiness level regardless of the grade-level, this might be the right program for that child."
How is the curriculum taught? The curriculum is integrated across many subject areas. Students are actively involved in hands-on activities, classroom discussions, projects, concrete experiences related to real life examples, discovery and student- initiated learning. Students work cooperatively with each other in learning activities. Students are provided many opportunities to share their learning with others in the classroom.
How will state standards be addressed? The Georgia Performance Standards are the basis of our curriculum. We match activities and lessons to meet these standards. The content of the curriculum of our K-1 classes does not differ from that established for other Cobb County students of the same ages. The way in which the curriculum is presented is restructured. Students in the class are assessed using the same type of assessments as the traditional classes.
This year each child will be: Building on what he/she knows Making choices Showing what he/she knows in different ways Finding out that he/she can learn from others and that others can learn from him/her Having fun learning!
Learning Buddies Literacy Centers Math Centers Writers Workshop Queen Lily and King Leo Buddy Time What your child will be talking about this year:
The Nuts and Bolts School begins at 7:50, please be on time School ends at 2:10 Children will be tired the first few weeks of school Classroom discipline plan Encouraging positive behavior Notes in agendas
More Nuts and Bolts Please get transportation tags for the first week of school All changes must be made in writing Change of transportation form Place changes in daily folder All money MUST be sent in labeled envelopes ASP envelopes Lunch account Field trip money
Still More… No visitors for lunch during the first 2 weeks (can come beginning on Aug. 24) Online menu Online lunch account Cost: $1.60 per day Medication must be brought to the clinic Cannot be administered by teachers Do not send in your childs backpack
Even More… Rest Time Rest mats Approx mins. Decrease as the year progresses Send in a snack everyday! Please send in healthy snacks- No candy Send in small amount Extra snacks Please keep a change of clothes in backpack Change clothes as weather changes
Opportunities To Help In Our Classroom Room Parent Reading Program Volunteer Copy Mom Class Photographer Donating Items Preparing activities for classroom
Important Web Addresses: Vaughan Elementary Website: Classroom BLOG: ren_kiszie/
Finally… Children very often exaggerate when relating experiences from school and from home. They have very vivid imaginations. If you ever have a question about anything related to your childs school experience do not hesitate to contact me. The best way to contact me is through .