Exodus 3:1-15; 4:1-11
A. God has a passion for us. Exodus 3:4 Moses Risked his life for his people He is rejected Gripped with fear Fleeing from the wrath of Pharaoh He is a shepherd of his father- in-law’s sheep He owned nothing In his eyes he is a failure.
Moses’ first son Gersha (“driven, thrust out”) Moses expressed feelings and beliefs about himself Failure Loneliness Desperation Exhaustion Frustration
God says, “Moses, Moses” God knows our… Name Address Location Shattered dreams God knows who you are, where you are, and what you are.
B. God has a possession for us. Exodus 3:2 Acacia bush is… ordinary and common used by God to transform Moses into something that was extraordinary. Our lives are insignificant until the glory of God fills them.
When the church begins to burn, but is not consumed… People will come to God The ordinary becomes the extraordinary
C. God has a perspective for us. Exodus 3:3-5 God speaks and commands Moses to take off his shoes because he is on holy ground. God commanded a holy reverence. Moses was there to receive a fresh revival and revelation from God.
May 1996 Greatest Disaster in mountain climbing on Mount Everest God gives us a new perspective in our wilderness experiences. When we have lost our purpose in life God is there to restore it.
D. God has a promise for us. Exodus 3:6 The covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is now your covenant. He wants Moses to carry on the promise His covenant relationship is perfect
E. God wants to partner with us. Exodus 3:7-10 Moses is going to be God’s spokesman and servant. At the burning bush conference we hear the voice of God telling us to participate in the deliverance of the lost. Moses and the cell phone
F. God has enough power for us. Exodus 3:11-14 God calls us to a task we can not do. God said, “I am who I am.” I am what you need for the circumstances you will confront in your task, and work for God.
A. Moses had a confrontation with a divine appointment The miracle of the burning bush is a picture of the nation of Israel going through some fiery trials. God put a blessing on any who are good to Israel and a curse on those who treat them badly.
The burning bush reveals… The power and glory and the holiness of God. Deut. 33:16 God Himself dwelt in this bush. The purity and purifying nature of God. Heb. 12:29 “Our God is a consuming fire. God loves sinners, and with the same passion He hates sin.
Moses was a humble shepherd who bowed in humility v.v. 5,6 When the common is touched by the Divine, then the common becomes uncommon. Moses said, “here am I” Isaiah said, “here am I send me.” We are called to a divine appointment where we do not have to be comfortable. We only have to yield to His call.
B. Moses had a confrontation to make a divine announcement Jesus used the same words from v.6 in Matthew 22:32 In v.7 we have the verbs: “I have seen, heard, known” In v.8 “I am come down to deliver them.” This is an Old Testament picture of the gospel. Moses was thrilled when he heard God wanted to deliver his people, but not so thrilled when He was offered the job of leadership.
C. Moses had a confrontation to except a divine assignment Chapters 3 and 4 Moses excuses I have no… Ability Message Eloquence Inclination
God answered every excuse “I will be with thee v.12 Where God guides, He provides; where He directs, He protects, where He sends, He extends! God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called who hear and answer His voice.
God answered every excuse “I AM” v.14 “I AM” is the most potent name of God there is. God uses what is available. The best ability is availability. If we just keep our hearts right, focused on Him, and keep walking in His power there is not limit to what can be accomplished if God gets the glory!
FOLLOWING IN JESUS FOOTSTEPS If you are willing to do what you are called to do, God will then put the desire in your heart to do it. So don’t say, “I’ll do it if I want to.” Just do it, and you will want to! God gave Moses his brother Aaron to talk for him, but later in the story Moses starts talking and never shuts up. Moses had a simple rod in his hand, but it became the rod of God. Exodus 4:29-31
The seed for a great miracle lies not in difficulty, but impossibility “FAITH LIKE POTATOES” Angus Buchan Travels to South Africa for a better life Faces ever mounting challenges, hardships, and personal turmoil Has a life of anger, fear, and destruction Giving his life to God he starts the journey growing his faith, like his potatoes. He prayed for rain, the impossible, and God delivered.
YOUR BURNING BUSH EXPERIENCE WILL BRING A A CONFRONTATION THAT WILL CONFRONT YOU WITH A DIVINE… Appointment Announcement Assignment We will not encounter victory until we first are willing to encounter the message of the Holy Spirit.