Who is considered a Transfer? Attended classes in which the student was enrolled full-time. Reported for regular squad practice Even if prior to certification Participated in Countable Athletically Related activities Student received Athletically related aid while attending summer school
2-4 Transfers Qualifiers with no previous attendance at a four-year institution Must have attended for at least 1 full-time semester Must have completed 12 transferable semester hours Cum GPA of 2.0 Qualifiers who fail to meet the requirements he/she may practice and receive aid but may not compete during their first academic year of residence
2-4 Transfers Partial, Non qualifiers, and qualifiers who previously attended a 4-year Attended at least 2 full-time semesters and Graduated from the 2-year with at least 25% of hours earned at the 2 year towards their degree Or Completed an average of 12 semester hours and a 2.0
2-4 Transfers Qualifiers and Partial qualifiers who do not meet the requirements in may practice and receive aid but may not compete during their first academic year of residence Non qualifiers who do not meet the requirements in may not compete, practice or receive aid during their first academic year of residence
2-4 Transfer Exceptions Only qualifiers may use exceptions! Discontinued/nonsponsored sport exception Students institution dropped the sport or never sponsored Student must have 2.0 Non recruited student exception Not recruited No athletic aid Not previously competed at any institution Student was eligible for admissions before enrollment at 2 year Two year nonparticipation or minimal participation exception Return to original institution exception Return to 4-yr from which SA transferred to the 2 yr.
4-4 Transfers General Rule: Transfer from a 4-year must serve an academic year in residence. Must be served at certifying institution. There are exceptions that allow 4-yr transfers to compete right away Must be a qualifier to use after 1 semester. Partial and Non qualifiers must fulfill a year of residence
4-4 Transfers What about practice and receiving aid during year in-residence? A SA with at least one academic year of attendance at the four- year institution at the time of transfer may practice and receive athletics aid regardless of qualification status at the time of full-time enrollment If a SA has less than one academic year of attendance, then his or her qualification status at the time of initial full-time enrollment governs
4-4 Transfers Exceptions One time transfer exception Not previously attended two 4-year institutions Regardless if 2-year is in the middle ( ) Good academic standing Would have been academically eligible if he or she would stay Receives a full release Must be in writing If student has only 1 season left to compete or 2 semesters. **NEW RULE – average 12 hours of transferable credit and a 2.0
4-4 Transfer Exceptions Competition in year of Transfer Received a transfer residence waiver Is not eligible to compete during the segment that concludes with the NCAA championships if: Student has competed during the same segment in the same academic year in the sport at a previous institution If original institution declares separate championship and non championship segments than student can compete at the certifying institution during the same academic year.
4-4 Transfer Exceptions Two year nonparticipation or minimal participation exception Cannot compete in noncollegiate amateur competition while enrolled as a full-time student. Discontinued/nonsponsored sport exception
Transfer Regulations All transfers must complete at least 6 hrs of transferable credit in the term prior to full-time enrollment to be eligible for competition Part-Time enrollment: 4-yr: Hours earned can be used only if term is counted 2-yr: Hours can be used without counting term to determining PTD only if PSA never attended a 4-yr school. (4-2)
Case Study Lee Ann, a qualifier, was recruited to play Volleyball at a JUCO She enrolls in classes as a full-time student and attends pre-season practice. On the first day of classes, she decides to withdrawal from school and go to an institution closer to home. Is Lee Ann a transfer student?
Case Study 1 Yes, Lee Ann triggers transfer Even though Lee Ann did not attend classes, she DID attend practice Can Lee Ann transfer to ASU and compete right away? No, because she did not pass at least 12 hours.
Case Study 2 Taylor achieved an 800 on her SAT and has a high school GPA of 3.66 in her 14 core courses. She attended Nashville Community College full-time for the academic year where she practiced but did not compete. At the end of the year the school canceled the softball program. She passed 24 hours (22 being transferable) with a 2.4 GPA. Taylor wants to transfer to ASU, is she immediately eligible?
Case Study 2 No, Taylor is not immediately eligible She only has 22hrs that will transfer and needed 24 to satisfy transfer rules. Can Taylor use a discontinued sport exception? No, Taylor was a partial qualifier therefore can not use an exception Can Taylor Practice?
Case Study 2 Yes Qualifiers and partial qualifiers who do not meet the transfer requirements may practice ad receive aid but may not compete during their first academic year of residence.
Case Study 3 Alex, a baseball player, transferred to ASU from Lander but did not meet the transfer requirements so he must serve a year in residence. Alex enrolled in and completed 14 hours during the fall term at ASU. Alex enrolled in and completed 9 hours in the spring and went on to pass 6 hours in the summer term giving him 29 for the academic year. Can Alex compete in the upcoming Fall semester?
Case Study 3 No, Alex has not completed a year in residence because he did not complete 2 FULL semesters
Case Study 4 Ryan, a partial qualifier, attended a community college for two years as a full-time student and participated in athletics. He achieved his associates degree and wishes to transfer to ASU with a 1.95 GPA and 29 hours of transferable credit. Is Ryan immediately eligible for competition?
Case Study 4 Yes, Ryan has spent 4 semesters there and graduated