Yamuna River: A Dying Legacy “How can we save it?” Presentation Yamuna River: A Dying Legacy “How can we save it?”
We recorded our observations about river Yamuna based on - Appearance Color Smell Flow Water Properties
What did we observe? We found its appearance… Dumped with debris Dirty Dumped with debris Slums along the bank Teeming with mosquitoes Lack of vegetation Used as a toilet by slum dwellers and passers –by No sign of fish
COLOUR The color of the river has considerably changed over the years. Though water is colorless and reflects the colour of the sky, yamuna has a special colour – either it is black or dark grey which is a clear indication of how much it has been depleted and polluted
FLOW OF THE RIVER Industrial Yamuna which was a fast flowing river, flows at a snails pace at present. The debris in the water has pollutants and construction debris and waste has made it almost stagnant.
SCIENTIFIC RESULTS – RIVER YAMUNA CRITERIA OBSERVATIONS REMARKS pH level 9 Not conducive to aquatic lives Temperature warm Dissolved oxygen nil Absence of aquatic fish Microbial organisms E.Coli & all pathogens Health hazards
Properties of Near by River Ganga Colourless No Odour Pleasant smell Presence of debris in small quantity Good flow Boating and fishing possible Abundant fish available
SCIENTIFIC RESULTS – River Ganga CRITERIA OBSERVATIONS REMARKS pH level 6.89 /gm Favorable to aquatic lives Temperature cool Dissolved oxygen 7 mg/L Presence of aquatic fish and other varieties Microbial organisms nil No health hazards, safe for drinking
Comparative Graphical Analysis
We analyzed the causes for the pollution of river Yamuna 1. Over population 2. Dumping of industrial wastes 3. Seepage of domestic sewage 4. Increased temperature 5. Oxygen depletion 6. Construction debris 7. Lack of general awareness 8. Negligence by the government TNPCB.gov.in.com
We pondered over the effects of this pollution….. Health hazards-communicable diseases. 2. Disturbs the water cycle. . 3. Pollutes the air. 4. Hinders aquatic life. 5. Prevents recreation.
What can we do to improve this situation? 1. Generate greater awareness of this issue among the citizens of the city 2. Promote co-operation of the citizens with the authorities 3. As a first step, we thought of putting across our own views to the delhi city Administrative Tribunal…
Our Suggestions… 1) Educate the people living near the river to develop an ecological conscience 2) Adequate sewage arrangements. 3) Proper sanitation. 4) Government should implement all its plans in this area efficiently