Do now! Can you copy the reactivity series into your book?


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Presentation transcript:

Do now! Can you copy the reactivity series into your book?

Last lesson Displacement reactions

A more reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal

Displacement reactions - Thermite 2Al + Fe 2 O 3 Al 2 O 3 + 2Fe YouTube - Thermite on Car YouTube - Thermite Experiment

Zinc oxideIron oxideCopper oxide zinc iron copper

Todays lesson Displacement reactions of ions in solution

Displacement reactions zincmagnesiumcopperlead Zinc sulphate X Magnesium sulphate X Copper sulphate X Lead nitrate X

Displacement reactions zincmagnesiumcopperlead Zinc sulphate XXX Magnesium sulphate XXXX Copper sulphate X Lead nitrate XX

A more reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal from solution Iron (s) + silver nitrate (aq) silver (s) + iron nitrate (aq) Can you copy carefully please?

Lets try some questions! Questions 5, 6, 8 and 9