Stockman’s Jeopardy
Round #1 Mum,Mum Good Where in the World Light up the Grill This does what? The Dr.’s In $10 $20 $30 $40 $50
Mum, Mum Good - $10 This cereal grain contains the most energy? What is Corn
Mum, Mum Good - $20 The “First Milk” full of protein energy and antibodies is called? What is Colostrum
Mum, Mum Good - $30 The easiest way to increase the calcium level in an animal’s diet is by adding what Feedstuff ? What is Limestone
Mum, Mum Good - $40 The easiest way to increase the calcium level in an animal’s diet is by adding what Feedstuff ? What is Limestone
Mum, Mum Good - $50 ** Daily Double** Grass Tetany is caused by a lack of which mineral in the animal’s diet ? What is Magnesium
Where in the World - $10 This breed of cattle originated in Scotland and is the #1 Breed in the U.S What is Angus
Where in the World - $20 This sheep breed is known for their carcass traits and large bell shaped ears What is Suffolk
Where in the World - $30 This English breed of hog is black with white points and erect ears What is Berkshire
Where in the World - $40 This “Zebu” breed of cattle is known for their tolerance to heat and insects What is Brahma
Where in the World - $50 This Australian breed of sheep is known for it’s high quality wool. Merino
Light Up the Grill - $10 The meat from this species is bright cherry red. Beef
Light Up the Grill - $20 What wholesale cut do all species have in common Loin
Light Up the Grill - $30 The 7-bone roast comes form which part of the beef carcass? Chuck
Light Up the Grill - $40 In the U.S, beef is most often eaten in this form Hamburger
Light Up the Grill - $50 A cut of meat that contains a round bone came from which part of the animal. Arm or leg
This Does What - $10 Implant Gun
This Does What - $20 You have a Balling Gun, what are you about to do? Give an animal a pill
This Does What - $30 An elastrator is used to do what? Castrate or Dock tails
This Does What - $40 Lamb Tube Feeder
This Does What - $50 This tool is uses ink to mark an animal with a form of permanent identification Tattoo Pliers or Slapstick Tattoo
The Dr’s In - $10 How is a SubQ (Sub Cutaneous) shot is given? Under the skin
The Dr’s In - $20 Why do we give an animal a vaccine? The PREVENT a diesease
The Dr’s In - $30 What is the biggest problem with an animal that has the scours? Dehydration
The Dr’s In - $40 What are the 4 ways to deworm an animal? Injection, Drench, Pour-on, Feed
The Dr’s In - $50 White Muscle Disease is cause by a lack of which mineral & vitamin Selenium & Vitamin E
Round #2 Got Your Number Off to the Market The Green, Green Grass The Pig Stands Alone Hodgepodge $50 $100 $200 $300 $400
Got Your Number - $50 How many permanent teeth will a two year old ewe have? What is 4
Got Your Number - $100 How long is the estrous cycle of a sheep? 17 days
Got Your Number - $200 What is the gestation length of a sow? 114 days 3 month, 3 weeks, 3 days
Got Your Number - $300 What is the average body temperature for each species (Beef, Swine, Sheep) ? Beef = Sheep = Swine = 102.5
Got Your Number - $400 Your hog has gained 200 lbs. in 100 days. What is the ADG? ADG = 2.0 lbs
Off to the Market - $50 What species reaches market weight at a year of age? Beef Cattle
Off to the Market - $100 What are the dressing percentages for the following species? Beef, Swine, Sheep Swine = 70%, Beef = 60% Sheep = 50%
Off to the Market - $200 What are the 4 wholesale cuts of pork? Boston butt, picnic shoulder, loin, ham
Off to the Market - $300 What are the four main quality grades of beef? Prime, Choice, Select, Standard
Off to the Market - $400 A 120 pound lamb will have a carcass that will average how many pounds? 50 lbs.
The Green, Green Grass - $50 This legume forage adds nitrogen to the soil and is high in protein Alfalfa
The Green, Green Grass - $100 What are three characteristics of good quality hay? Green, leafy, free of mold and dust
The Green, Green Grass - $200 Forage should be cut in which stage to get the most nutritional value Vegetative
The Green,Green Grass - $300 An animal that eats grass and has a 4-chambered stomach is called a? Ruminant
The Green,Green Grass - $400 This grass is popular in pastures, but often contains a fungus which can decrease rate of gain and fertility Fescue
The Pig Stands Alone - $50 What color is pork? Pinkish-Gray
The Pig Stands Alone - $100 Name the breed of hog that is known for having large litters and large ears? Landrace
The Pig Stands Alone - $200 What breed of hog was developed in the U.S and is known for fast growth, heavy muscle and good quality meat? Duroc
The Pig Stands Alone - $300 If you walk into a pig barn and see hogs with twisted snouts, what disease is present? Rhinitis
The Pig Stands Alone - $400 When looking at a hog what ear is notched with the little number? Right
Hodgepodge - $50 Frame score is a measure of what in cattle? Size
Hodgepodge - $100 The infection of an animals udder or teats is called? Mastitis
Hodgepodge - $200 A respiratory disease, usually seen in sale barn animals and is caused by a bacteria is called Shipping Fever
Hodgepodge - $300 What contaminant causes the most problems in wool? Plastic Fibers
Hodgepodge - $400 What is a free martin? An heifer who was born twin to a bull. Usually sterile
Final Question Can you Make the Grade?
Final Question The measurement that estimates the amount of lean meat from a carcass is called ?
Final Question Yield Grade