What is an EMA? The Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is a means tested weekly payment of £30 paid directly to young people (age 16-19) who have reached school leaving age and are continuing in post-compulsory education.
Who is eligible? EMAs are available during this academic year to eligible 16–19 year olds (if you were born between 1 March 1994 and 28 February 1998). You must attend school for a minimum of 21 hours per week and meet certain terms and conditions (e.g. good attendance, punctuality & conduct). You must have your own bank account.
Who is eligible? (continued) Eligibility is assessed on gross taxable household income for the period April 2012 to March The income thresholds are: up to £20,351 (one dependent child) up to £22,403 (two or more dependent children). (Dependent children are those up to the age of 16, or up to the age of 25 if they are in full-time education and training).
What is a Learning Agreement? A Learning Agreement sets out the course of your studies during the academic year. It outlines the conditions you need to meet (attendance, punctuality, conduct and achievement requirements). You must undertake and maintain a minimum of 21 hours guided learning per week. It must be signed by the pupil, parent or responsible adult and school representative.
Learning Agreement (continued) Your Learning Agreement will be monitored and reviewed by the school. Attendance reports for each pupil are submitted to East Lothian Council prior to payments being made. If you don’t comply with your Learning Agreement, East Lothian Council may stop your EMA payments.
How and When do I apply? If you are 16 before 30 September 2013, you may be eligible from the beginning of the school term (21 August 2013). An Application Form will be sent to your home address in June/July and must be submitted by 30 September 2013.
How and When do I apply (cont’d)? If you are 16 between 1 October 2013 and 28 February 2014 you may be eligible from January An Application Form will be sent to your home address in October/November. It must be submitted by 28 February 2014.
What if I miss the deadline? If you miss the deadlines for submission, the award will not be backdated to the start of term and will only be made from the week the Application Form is received. The cut-off date for processing applications for the academic year 2013/14 is 31 March 2014.