Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry
Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM A key goal of CAD/CAM (Figure 5-1) is to produce data can be used in manufacturing a product while developing the database for the design of that product. Figure 5-1 The block diagram of a CAD/CAM system Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry
Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Since the advent of CAD/CAM, other terms have developed: (1) Computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM). (2) Computer-aided engineering (CAE). (3) Computer graphics (CG). (5) Computer-aided design and drafting (CADD). (4) Computer-aided process planning (CAPP).
Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry These spin-off terms all refer to specific aspects of the CAD/ CAM concept. Interactive computer graphics (ICG) plays an important role in CAD/CAM. The applications of CAD/CAM can continually improve a companys productivity, and competitiveness.
CAD/CAM Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Notes [1] When the database is successfully implemented, CAD/CAM should remove the wall that has traditionally existed between the design and manufacturing components. CAD/CAM involves the sharing of a common database between the design and manufacturing components.
Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Notes [2] Through the use of ICG, designer develop a graphic image of the product being designed while storing the data that electronically make up the graphic image.
CAD/CAM Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Notes [3] The rational for CAD/CAM are: increased productivity; better quality; better communication; common database with manufacturing; reduced prototype construction costs; faster response to customers.
advent [ 5AdvEn t]n. automate[ 5C:tEmeit ]v. professional[ prE5feFEnl ]n. adj. database[ 5deitEbeis ]n. implement[ 5implimEnt ]v. n. traditionally[ trE5diFEnEli ]adv. spin-off inclusive[ in5klu:siv ]adj. Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry New Words and Expressions
integrated[ 5inti^reitid ] adj. interactive[ 7intEr5Aktiv ] adj. Interactive Computer Graphics(ICG) solid format electronically[ ilek5trRnikEli ]adv. geometric[ dViE5metrik ] adj. manipulate[ mE5nipjuleit ]v. reduction[ ri5dQkFEn ]n. peripheral[ pE5rifErEl ]adj. n. manual[ 5mAnjuEl ]n. competitiveness[ kEm5petitivnis ]n. rational[5rAFEnl]n. adj. Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry New Words and Expressions
I. Complete the following sentences according to the text. (1) The graphic image can be presented in a ______________, _____________, or ______________. (2) Once created, these images can be easily ________ and manipulated in a variety of ways including enlargements, _____________, ____________, and movements. (3) An ICG system has three main components: ____________, ____________, and ____________. Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Exercises
(4) The applications of CAD/CAM can continually improve a companys ___________, and, in turn, ________________. (5) The rational for CAD/CAM are: increased ______________; better __________; better communication; common ____________ with manufacturing; reduced __________ construction costs; faster response to customers. Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Exercises I. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
II. Translate the following phrases into English. (1) ___________ (2) _____________ (3) _____________ (4) ___________ (5) _________________ (6) _______________________ (7) _______________________ Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Exercises
III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (1) Since the advent of computer technology, manufacturing professionals have wanted to automate the design process and use the database developed therein for automating manufacturing processes. (2) In the near future, some companies will not use drawings at all, but will be passing part information directly from design to manufacturing via a database. Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Exercises
Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry CADs Benefits Computer Aided Part Programming NC Cutter-Path Verification Computer Aided Process Planning
Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Group Technology Material Requirements Planning Robotics Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) Figure 5-2 The assembly line and the transfer line
CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications Notes [1] Part programming software is incorporated into a family of CAM software and has a dynamic graphics database to hold the actual machining sequences. These sequences can be viewed, edited, chained, or deleted.
CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications Notes [2] When a part program is generated using a CAD/CAM system, a solid model may be used to generate a realistic picture of the workpiece, the tools, the cutter path and the finished part.
Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications through...language process planning Notes [3] Process planning, through which design information can be translated into manufacturing language, is the critical bridge between design and manufacturing.
CAD Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications Notes [4] The bills of materials can come directly from the CAD system, which include the stock number, name of item, quantity in stock, unit of measure, minimum stock level, lead time of purchased or manufactured in-house, and the specifications of each component part and suppliers.
( ) Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications [5] Robots are widely used in automated assembly operations for circular and linear transfer.
CIM( ) CNC( ) CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications [6] CIM encompasses many of the other advanced manufacturing technologies such as CNC, CAD/CAM, robotics and just-in-time delivery.
accuracy[ 5AkjurEsi ]n. recall [ ri5kC:l ]v. enhance[ in5hB:ns ]v. modification[ 7mCdifi5keiFEn ]n. ease [ i:z ] v. …… n. complex[ 5kCmpleks ]adj. incorporate[ in5kC:pEreit ]v. dynamic[ dai5nAmik ]adj. tooling list machining sequences Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications New Words and Expressions
tool path verify [ 5verifai ]v. eliminate[ i5limineit ]v. potential[ pE5tenF(E)l ]adj. dry cut detect [ di5tekt ]v. gross [ ^rEus ]adj. wax [ wAks ]n. generate[ 5dVenE7reit ]v. realistic[ riE5listik ]adj. simulation[ 7simju5leiFEn ]n. Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications New Words and Expressions
finished part consistent[ kEn5sistEnt ]adj. accurate[ 5Akjurit ]adj. allocate[ 5AlEkeit ]v. digit [ 5didVit ]n. reference[ 5refrEns ]n. bill [ bil ] n. lead time in-house circular transfer line encompass[ in5kQmpEs ]v. Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications New Words and Expressions
just-in-time delivery approach[ E5prEutF ]n. instantaneous[ 7instEn5teinjEs ]adj. sequence[ 5si:kwEns ]v. n. domain[ dEu5mein ]n. fixed automation flexible[ 5fleksEbl ]adj. tailor [ 5teilE ] v. hybrid [ 5haibrid ]n. adj. Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Lesson 5.2 CAD/CAMs Applications New Words and Expressions
Translate the following phrases into Chinese. (1) CNC ______________________ (2) CAD ______________________ (3) CAM ______________________ (4) CIM ______________________ (5) FMS ______________________ (6) CAPP _____________________ (7) fixed automation _____________ (8) cutting simulation ____________ (9) lead time ___________________ Lesson 5.1 CAD/CAM Chapter 5 The Computers Applications in Industry Exercises