English I Shannon Hayes Elements of the Short Story
WhateverPoint of View Direct or Indirect CharactersPlot
Categories These are the events leading to the climax. Plot 100
Categories Plot--100 What is rising action?
Categories Plot 200 Action that occurs as a result of the climax.
Categories What is falling action? Plot-200
Categories Plot--300 This the point in the story when you are going to find out the outcome of the conflict—also the emotional high point.
Categories Plot 300 What is the climax?
Categories Outcome of the conflict—i.e. they lived happily ever after Plot –400
Categories What is resolution? Plot-400
Categories This is the background information— exposing you to characters and setting. Plot--500
Categories What is exposition? Plot-500
Categories This is the main character. Characters-100
Categories Characters 100 What is protagonist?
Categories Characters 200 This is a character with many different traits—one who you know a lot about.
Categories What is a round character? Characters--200
Categories Characters-300 This is a character who undergoes a change.
Categories Characters 300 What is a dynamic character?
Categories This is a character with one defining trait. Characters 400
Categories What is a flat character? Characters 400
Categories This is the character that is opposite the main character. Characters--500
Categories What is the antagonist? Characters 500
Categories Direct or Indirect 100 A description from the narrator
Categories Direct or Indirect 100 What is direct?
Categories Speech and Actions of the characters Direct or Indirect 200
Categories What is indirect? Indirect or direct 200
Categories He has brown hair with a bit of a cowlick. Direct or indirect 300
Categories Direct or Indirect 300 What is direct?
Categories Direct or Indirect 400 Dr. Stroud exclaimed, “Be quiet!”
Categories What is indirect? Direct or Indirect 400
Categories The man quietly placed $10 in the man’s cup. Direct or Indirect
Categories What is indirect? Direct or Indirect 500
Categories POV 100 The point of view refers to the relationship of this to the story.
Categories POV 100 What is the narrator?
Categories This narrator is always a character in the story. POV 200
Categories What is a first-person narrator? POV 200
Categories POV 300 This narrator is outside of the story but focuses on thoughts of one character.
Categories POV 300 What is a third-person limited narrator?
Categories This type of narrator can focus on many characters’ thoughts and feelings. POV 400
Categories What is a third-person omniscient narrator? POV 400
Categories This is what it is called when the narrator moves from one character to another. POV 500
Categories What is a point of view shift? POV 500
Categories This is the time and place of the story. Whatever 100
Categories Whatever 100 What is setting?
Categories Whatever 200 This is a struggle between opposing forces.
Categories What is conflict? Whatever 200
Categories Whatever 300 This is the author’s attitude toward characters or subject.
Categories Whatever 300 What is tone?
Categories Generally speaking, this is the “unexpected”. Whatever 400
Categories What is irony? Whatever 400
Categories This is a choice that is neither right nor wrong. Both choices can be equally right. \ Whatever 500
Categories What is a moral or ethical dilemma? Whatever 500
Categories Good Luck on Your Quiz!!
Categories The Daily Double