What’s a Pass-By Trip? Shopping Center Destination Origin
Pass-By Trips Definition: Trips that would have traveled on a street adjacent to a Retail Center even if the retail was not constructed Applied only to retail-oriented land uses –Shopping centers –Convenience markets –Gas stations –Fast-food restaurants –Drive-in banks Results in reduction of new trips added to network attributable to retail center
From ITE Handbook Pass-by for Shopping Centers 20%
Pass-By Trips ITE Provides guidance on appropriate percentages –Shopping center percentages based on: size of retail space volume of adjacent street traffic (10% max)
Pass-by Reasonableness Checks The number of pass-by trips should not exceed 10 percent of the adjacent street traffic during peak hour Strong justification must be provided to document pass-by rates greater than 25 percent of the total external trip generation for the developments retail portions –Ensure proposed development displays ideal characteristics to generate pass-by trips
10% of Adjacent Street Traffic Represents maximum number of trip ends that can be subtracted from base trip generation for pass-by analysis. Common misuse: –Adjacent street traffic = 1000 –10% = 100 –Those 100 vehicles enter the project, then exit the project for a total reduction of 200 from the trip generation
Driveway Traffic Will Include All Of The Pass By Traffic ,000 Beware when analyzing driveways: analysis must include pass- by trips in driveway volumes.
Pass-by Trips Example Total Trip Generation = External Trips = External Trips New to the System - Pass-by Percent - Internal Capture Office Apartment Retail
%20%0% % External Trips Worksheet Total Trip Generation Office Apartment Retail Exiting Internal Capture Entering Internal Capture Total Internal Capture TOTAL
%20%0% % External Trips Worksheet Total Trip Generation Office Apartment Retail Exiting Internal Capture Entering Internal Capture Total Internal Capture External Trips TOTAL Pass-by Trips
Pass-by Trips Example Pass-by Percent Office Apartment Retail Shopping Center Pass-by Trips Weekday, P.M. Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic 20%
%20%0% % Pass-by Trips Worksheet Total Trip Generation Office Apartment Retail Exiting Internal Capture Entering Internal Capture Total Internal Capture External Trips Pass-by Percent 0%20%0% Pass-by Trips External Trips New to System TOTAL
Pass-by Check
Apartment Shopping Office Total + + = Apartment Shopping Office Total + + = Apartment Shopping Office Total + + = Apartment Shopping Office Total + + = Total Driveway Volume ApartmentShopping OfficeTotal + + = ApartmentShopping OfficeTotal + + = ApartmentShopping OfficeTotal + + = ApartmentShopping OfficeTotal + + = Total Driveway Volume ApartmentShopping OfficeTotal + + = ApartmentShopping OfficeTotal + + = Total Driveway Volume Apartment Shopping Office Total + + = Apartment Shopping Office Total + + = Total Driveway Volume A B CD Pass-by Check Background Traffic Background Traffic N =2,640 total background 2,640 x 10%=264 max pass-by
Pass-by Check 264 Max. Pass- by Trips N Potential Pass-by Trips Background Traffic Background Traffic Retail 10% OF BACKGROUND Total Allowable Pass-by Trips 264
%20%0% % Pass-by Trips Worksheet Total Trip Generation Office Apartment Retail Exiting Internal Capture Entering Internal Capture Total Internal Capture External Trips %10% backgrd 0% Pass-by Trips Actual Pass-by % of Retail 7.3% External Trips New to System TOTAL 264 / 3631 = Pass-by Percent (background)