Central European Monarchs Clash 21.3 Prussian Siege of Kolberg Russia during the Seven Years War
Peace of Augsburg (1555) Breaks Down Catholic, Holy Roman Emperor (Charles V) allowed German Princes to choose Catholicism or Lutheranism, but not Calvinism 1618: Emperor Ferdinand II became king of Bohemia = Protestants in Prague began to Revolt
Thirty Years War 1618 - 1648 One of the most destructive wars in European History Fought mainly in Germany Began as a war of religion, but turned into a power struggle between all of Europe’s great powers.
Sides Hapsburg Side Opposing Side Holy Roman Emperor Austria Spain Bavaria Hungary Bohemia Netherlands France Sweden England
Catholic General Wallenstein after his victory at
Hapsburgs Are Defeated France & Sweden turn the tide against the Hapsburg Dynasty
Ukranian Cossaks
Results of the War Peace of Westphalia (1648) Weakened Hapsburg Spain & Austria Strengthened Bourbon France Dutch finally free of Spain Disbanded the Holy Roman Empire Ended religious wars in Europe Began era of Nation-States
Germany Lost 4 million People. Which slowed its Development Population loss in Germany
Central Europe Differs from the West Feudalism lasted longer in Germany, Austria, Poland, & Hungary Wars created instability Did not benefit from Commercial Revolution
Rise of Austria & Prussia Became Dominant States of Central Europe Austria Ruled by Catholic Hapsburgs Absolutist; conquered much of central Europe German elite ruled over a diverse population Prussia Ruled by Lutheran Hohenzollerns Came to dominate northern Germany Strong Military Culture
Maria Theresa of Austria Absolute Ruler of Austria: 1717 – 1780 Religious Catholic, cared for the poor, but not Civil Rights Mother of Marie Antoinette
Frederick II “The Great” of Prussia Made Prussia the 1st Welfare State & Military Power: 1712 – 1786 Enlightened Ruler Atheist, Invented Public Ed., Social Reforms
First truly “Global” War British Empire & Prussia Vs Seven Years War (1756 – 1763) First truly “Global” War British Empire & Prussia Vs French Empire, Austria, Russia (French & Indian War) Gave Britain dominance in North America Britain gained sole economic rights in India
Results Britain Became Dominant Imperial Power Dominance in North America & India Prussia became dominant in Germany = set up for its unification later France lost its Empire & entered period of trouble that would lead to Revolution