What role does the Holy Spirit play in our conversion? How does he do what he does?


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Presentation transcript:

What role does the Holy Spirit play in our conversion? How does he do what he does?

The Holy Spirit inConversion

I. The Need for Conversion All who are accountable - sin (Rom. 7:9; Rom. 3:9, 23; 1 Jno. 5:19) Sin produces spiritual death (Rom. 5:12; Rom. 7:9)

I. The Need for Conversion II. The Holy Spirit Works in Conversion

All Three Persons in the Godhead Work in our Salvation Father - Planned (Eph. 1:1-4) Son - Executed (John 3:16) Holy Spirit - Revealed (Eph. 3:3-5) Holy Spirit Convicts The World (John 16:8-11) Convict = convince with evidence Of: Sin Righteousness Judgment

I. The Need for Conversion II. The Holy Spirit Works in Conversion III. How Does the Spirit Operate? The Holy Spirit Directly? Though Word?

A. Calvinism Teaches - Direct Operation Upon The Sinner III. How Does the Spirit Operate? Total Depravity Unconditional Election Limited Atonement Irresistible Grace Perseverance of the Saints

A. Calvinism Teaches - Direct Operation Upon The Sinner B. The Holy Spirit Operates Through Word III. How Does the Spirit Operate?

The Spirit Revealed (Eph.3:3-5) Sword of the Spirit (Eph.6:17) Law of the Spirit of Life (Rom. 8:2)

A. Calvinism Teaches - Direct Operation Upon The Sinner B. The Holy Spirit Operates Through Word C. Convicted & Converted By The Word III. How Does the Spirit Operate?

The Spirit Revealed (Eph.3:3-5) Sword of the Spirit (Eph.6:17) Rom. 1:16 Jas. 1: Thess. 2:14 1 Pet. 1: Cor. 5:17-20 John 17:20 Acts 18:8 Acts. 2:37

A. Calvinism Teaches - Direct Operation Upon The Sinner B. The Holy Spirit Operates Through Word C. Convicted & Converted By The Word D. What The Spirit Does - The Word Does III. How Does the Spirit Operate?

Born of Quickened Saved Washed Sanctified Led By Jno. 3:5,6,8 Jno. 6:63 Titus 3:5 1 Cor. 6:11 Rom. 8:9 1 Pet. 1:23-25 Ps. 119:50,93 Jas. 1:21 Eph. 5:26 Jno. 17:17 Psa. 119:105 Holy SpiritThe Word

A. Calvinism Teaches - Direct Operation Upon The Sinner B. The Holy Spirit Operates Through Word C. Convicted & Converted By The Word D. What The Spirit Does - The Word Does III. How Does the Spirit Operate?

I. The Need for Conversion II. The Holy Spirit Works in Conversion III. How Does the Spirit Operate? IV. The Holy Spirit Gives Evidence of Conversion

The Spirit Gives Evidence - Rom. 8:16 Tells What One Must Do Knows What He Has Done Agree Repent and be Baptized Ive done that Then we can know we are children of God!

I. The Need for Conversion II. The Holy Spirit Works in Conversion III. How Does the Spirit Operate? IV. The Holy Spirit Gives Evidence of Conversion V. Consequences of the Direct Operation of the Spirit

Consequences Makes belief Gods responsibility If dont believe - God is respecter... Denies - all-sufficiency of the word God didnt make the word powerful Denies free-moral-agency of man Eliminates the need to preach

I. The Need for Conversion II. The Holy Spirit Works in Conversion III. How Does the Spirit Operate? IV. The Holy Spirit Gives Evidence of Conversion V. Consequences of the Direct Operation of the Spirit