NorSource The Norwegian HPSG Resource Grammar presented at Språkteknologiske Ressurser ved NTNU Trondheim
NorSource Members Local members Lars Hellan Dorothee Beermann Kaja Borthen Petter Haugereid Siri Simonsen Jostein Ven External members Stephan Oepen, Stanford University, California Dan Flickinger, Stanford University, California
The NorSource Group
The Project Context
The HPSG Grammar Network
LKB - the platform The LKB system – open source software The LKB system is a grammar and lexicon development environment for use with constraint-based linguistic formalisms. The LKB software is distributed by the LinGO initiative, a loosely-organized consortium of research groups working on unification-based grammars and processing schemes. The download page for the LKB system and other available LinGO software and grammars is
Documentation Books Implementing Typed Feature Structure Grammars Ann Copestake, CSLI publications, 2002 Selected Manuscripts Ann Copestake, Dan Flickinger, Ivan Sag and Carl Pollard, Minimal Recursion Semantics, draft, Ann Copestake, Alex Lascarides and Dan Flickinger, An Algebra for Semantic Construction in Constraint-based Grammars In: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2001), Toulouse, France
ERG - state of the art Demonstration: The picture was admired by the girl in the museum Parsing Tree banking John smiles MRS –Minimal Recursion Semantics John goes to the theater Generation
Example of phrase structure schema as stated in a source file basic-head-comp-phrase := head-valence-phrase & head-compositional & binary-headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM canonical-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC #mc, VAL [ SUBJ #subj, COMPS #comps, SPR #spr ], POSTHEAD #ph ], KEYS [ ALTKEY #altkey, MESSAGE #hmsg ] ], LEX #lex ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC #mc, VAL [ SUBJ #subj, COMPS, SPR #spr ], POSTHEAD #ph ], KEYS [ ALTKEY #altkey, MESSAGE #hmsg ] ], LEX #lex ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM #synsem & canonical-synsem, C-CONT [ LISZT, H-CONS ] ].
Edited Feature-Structure display Beundre
NorSource functionality Diagnostic and disambiguation tool: Incr tsdb () –package version 1.9 Test suite : 246 items – 140 parses Demonstration Kari gir ham ikke isen Parsing Generation Informasjon om småviltjagd på statsgrunn i Finnmark fås ved henvendelse til postkontorene Tree-banking
Other Projects Financed Projects LOGON - Not yet funded NorDeTrans Norwegian- German Translation Project
LOGON is a cooperation project between groups at the universities in Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim, one aim of which is the development of a machine translation demonstrator for Norwegian-to-English, using the frameworks LFG and HPSG in the 'deep processing' aspects. The project period is Jan 03 to Dec 06.
More about us Do you want to learn the LKB? Introduction to HPSG, and Grammar Engineering using HPSG, Dorothee Beermann and Petter Haugereid Starts January 14, as HFLING203: Place: Dragvoll, Building 4, LinLab Time: Tuesday 10:15 –12:00 Wednsday 14:15 – 16:00 Be up-dated about NorSource !