Daniel Introduction and Overview
Test: True or False, the account depicted in the picture is in the book of Daniel
Where does Daniel Take Place?
Historical Setting of Daniel Ilumina Time Line
Who we encounter in Daniel Daniel Shadrach (Hananiah), Meshach (Mishael), and Abednego (Azariah) Nebuchadnezzar: Babylonian Belshazzar: Babylonian Darius: Medo-Persian Cyrus: Medo-Persian
Content of Daniel at a Glance Chapters 1-6: Accounts of different episodes during the life of Daniel, including: The fiery furnace The lions den Nebuchadnezzars downfall Chapters 7-12: Prophecies
What challenges and lessons await us in Daniel? Personal Integrity Standing up for our beliefs Having the courage to confront The Sovereignty of God Gods foreknowledge
Chapter 1 Our Convictions & Strength Lets read Daniel Chapter 1
Events of Chapter 1 Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah are taken to Babylon (605 BC) These young men were probably teenagers during this time They are taken to Babylon from Jerusalem Babylon has now come into power over Assyria
Gods chastisement: Daniel 1:2 says And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his (Nebuchadnezzars) hand Why would the Lord give him over? Read Deuteronomy 28, ref 28:25
New Names: Whats the significance? Daniel=God is my judge Belteshazzar=Beltis protect the king Hananiah=God is gracious Shadrach=Command of Aku (moon god) Mishael=Who is like God? Meshach=probably a Chaldean god Azariah=God has helped Abednego=Servant of Nebo (god of wisdom)
Group Break-out A: Read Daniel 1:8-15 Why was this food so important to Daniel? (ref v8) What does this passage say about Daniels character? How could we have the character of Daniel? B: Read Daniel 1:17-20 Was Daniel able to do everything himself? Where did he get his abilities from? Has God blessed you with abilities/strengths? How do you use them for His glory (not your own)? C: Read Philippians 4:10-13 Where do we get our strength? What are situations/experiences for which you could apply this verse?