ZoomText, Step-by-Step IU Adaptive Technology Center
ZoomText Overview What is ZoomText? How to start, open a file, and exit How to enable and disable ZoomText
ZoomText is a Screen Magnifier It is powerful software designed for the visually impaired and consists of two main technologies Screen magnification with the power of magnifications (1x – 16x) Screen reader speaks as you work The primary users of ZoomText include students with visual impairments.
How to Start ZoomText To open ZoomText, click on ZoomText icon on your desktop.
Opening Files with ZoomText Under the Finders icon, click on the Desktop button Select the location of your file Click Open
Exiting ZoomText Three ways to exit ZoomText Press ALT key + F4 Select Exit from the File menu Press ALT key + Delete key and then select Exit from the File menu
Enabling and Disabling ZoomText When you open ZoomText, it automatically begins magnifying and reading your screen. You can enable and disable ZoomText at any time without exiting your program. To disable, click on the ZoomText button or press ALT +DELETE To enable, click on the ZoomText button or ALT + INSERT ZoomText button
Using ZoomText The ZoomText User Interface
Minimizing and Restoring ZoomText To minimize ZoomText, press the Esc key or click on the minimize button on the ZoomText task bar. To restore ZoomText, press ALT key + INSERT or CTRL +SHIFT + U on your keyboard
ZoomText Magnifier Power On the main menu under magnifier, select Power Choose the level of magnification that you desire
ZoomText Magnifier Shortcuts Magnification Power Press ALT + NUMPAD (+) to increase magnification power Press ALT + NUMPAD (–) to decrease magnification
Type of ZoomText Windows Click on the Type button on the main toolbar and ZoomText gives you five options for different windows By choosing Settings, you can configure and personalize your window settings
Selecting ZoomText Windows Press CRTL +Shift + Z several times to go through the different ZoomText Window Types
ZoomText Freeze Feature The freeze feature allows you to view and observe information in one location while simultaneously working on information in another location Under Type, set the zoom option to FULL Set New under Freeze The Freeze Tool becomes active
ZoomText Freeze Window Move the mouse pointer to scroll the location freeze area into view Drag to select the freeze area The freeze window appears with sizing on the screen To size the window, drag any handle pull in or pull out To remove freeze window Press CTRL + SHIFT + F
ZoomText Exercise 1 Under the magnifier increase the level of magnification to 16 Under the Zoom Window type or settings, select Lens
ZoomText Color Enhancements Color Enhancement improves the clarity of the text and graphics on your screen. The color enhancement options consist of a variety of filters. To choose a preset color scheme, click the color button on the Magnifier toolbar, then choose Scheme from the submenu.
ZoomText Custom Color Setting On the Magnifier menu, choose Color Enhancements, select Custom, adjust the custom settings as desired, then click the OK.
ZoomText Pointer Enhancements Sometimes, the background of the screen size and color of the pointer make it easy for you to see the location of the mouse pointer on the screen You can select the settings for the mouse pointer under the Enhancements toolbar.
ZoomText Exercise 2 Click on the Enhancements section of the magnifier toolbar and select the pointer color and cursor icon.
Screen Reading with ZoomText Screen Reading Features What is Echo? What are Reading tools? What is the Speak It tool? How to enable and disable speech? Web finders
ZoomText Echo The Echo setting allows you to control how ZoomText speaks text as you type. Under Reader select Typing. ZoomText gives you five options such as Keys, Echo, or No Echo. Click settings to Customize.
ZoomText Program Echo Program echo determines which items are spoken as you navigate Window titles, menus, dialog boxes, and so on. In the Reader menu, choose Program Echo Adjust the program echo options as desired Click the OK button
ZoomText AppReader App Reader Open the document, web page, or that you wish to read On the Reader toolbar select App Rdr. App Reader begins reading from the current text cursor position To stop and start automatic reading press ENTER or click the mouse
ZoomText DocReader Doc Reader Doc Reader can read documents, web pages and in a special environment such as a black background with white text for easier reading. It can automatically read an entire document by word, by line, sentence, or paragraph. Open the document you wish to read On ZoomText’s Reader toolbar, select the DOC Rdr button
ZoomText SpeakIt SpeakIt The SpeakIt tool allows you to read selected area of the screen by clicking or dragging with the mouse or by pointing the mouse on each word. Text that appears on graphical images cannot be spoken. To exit the SpeakIt tool, right-click or press ESC.
Enabling and Disabling Speech in ZoomText By unselecting Enable Speech output in the Speech dialog box you can turn off the speech ZoomText also gives you options to select a different voice and adjust its rate, pitch, and volume To review all these options, choose the reader menu, select speech, then select synthesizer
ZoomText Web Finders Internet Explorer must be open before and during the time you try the Web Finder Browse to a page with links Leaving the Browser open, switch to the ZoomText User Interface and start the Web Finder Remember ZoomText is not a web browser; it reads other applications.