Happy First Day! Events Planning 383 Daphne J. Meyers, CMM
Agenda for today Crafts! Intros Syllabus and Schedule Review
Create the best paper airplane possible Use any materials in the room
Introductions Name and/or what you wish to be called Major Why did you sign up for this class? What do you want out of it? If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead who would it be? Thoughts on the having to build a paper airplane…
Paper Airplane What questions did you ask yourself? What should have you asked?
Lessons of this exercise… 1. Know the objectives/goals Who is bottom line customer? 2. Operate in ambiguity Observe everything for clues Ask lots of Qs Draw conclusions 3. Think critically Accept you will never have all the info Ask why? Learn from results!
Syllabus Outcome of class Culture Classroom My philosophy Attendance Honesty Writing
Syllabus My desired outcomes for this class… Events are a profession Exposure Steps of planning process Awareness of leadership skills Communication Team skills EQ Vision
Syllabus Stuff and things Reading material Materials on website Points, projects and papers On-site work – 2; 2 hours; 2 pages Opportunities Myfirstlink.org you are needed…MULTIPLE Non-profit fundraisers Sweetheart Ball, Rotary Beer and Wine (2/26) Schedule
Todays topic Planning as a profession State of the industry
My Path English Degree – Jamestown College The Philly Years The Pew Charitable Trusts McGettigan Corporate Planning boyd & fraser Publishing The Fargo Years Great Plains/Microsoft Red Barn Group Holiday Inn of Fargo AE2S Professional Participation MPI/Speaking
Profession A profession is an occupation that requires extensive training and the study and mastery of specialized knowledge, and usually has a professional association, ethical code and process of certification or licensing.trainingstudyknowledgeprofessional association ethical codecertificationlicensing
Professional? Self-defined Industry in its infancy Business first!
The Industry
Planner and Supplier Planners Suppliers
Meeting Types and Terms Events An organized occasion such as a meeting, convention, exhibition, special event, gala dinner, etc. An event is often composed of several different yet related functions. Conference/Convention/Congress Meeting Conferences Symposiums Exhibit/Trade Show Seminar Training Workshop Special Events Board Meeting Teleconferences Colloquium General assembly Institute Off-shore Product Launch
Industry players
Associations MPI – Meeting Professionals International PCMA – Professional Convention Managers Association
Associations common goals set standards education measure knowledge connectivity with others elevation of profession
Convention Industry Council (CIC) Air Transport Association of America (ATA) Alliance of Meeting Management Companies (AMMC) American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA) American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) Association for Convention Operations Management (ACOM) Association of Destination Management Executives (ADME) Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) Council of Engineering, Scientific Society Executives (CESSE) Destination Marketing Association International (DMAI) Exhibit Designers and Producers Association (EDPA) Exhibition Services & Contractors Association (ESCA) Healthcare Convention and Exhibitors Association (HCEA) Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) Insurance Conference Planners Association (ICPA) International Association of Assembly Managers (IAAM) International Association of Conference Centers (IACC) International Association for Exhibition Management (IAEM) International Association of Speakers Bureaus (IASB) International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) International Special Events Society (ISES) Meeting Professionals International (MPI) National Association of Catering Executives (NACE) National Business Travel Association (NBTA) National Coalition of Black Meeting Planners (NCBMP) National Speakers Association (NSA) Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) Religious Conference Management Association (RCMA) Society of Corporate Meeting Professionals (SCMP) Society of Government Meeting Professionals (SGMP) Society of Incentive & Travel Executives (SITE) Trade Show Exhibitors Association (TSEA)
CIC and APEX CIC – Conventional Industry Council Umbrella organization for all other organizations involved in meetings, conventions and exhibitions industry 30 members (including MPI and PCMA organization representing 100,000 individuals 15,000 organizations APEX – Accepted Practices Exchange Stakeholders involved in development Implementation is voluntary Designed to create common terms, forms and practices
Alphabet soup of certifications CMP Certified Meeting Professional CIC administered and regulated CMM Certification in Meetings Management MPI administered and regulated PMM CSEP CAE CSEP
State of the Industry From your perspective… Perception Economic impacts Going Green – CAP-n-TRADE TARP and SOX – oh my!
Next week Professional Profile Someone you know and communicate with to interview 2 Pages of their background (how they got where they are today); job today; best advice they ever received, best and worst things about their job Writing Objectives and Goals Pick an event (can be made-up) Write down the three things you want it to accomplish Bring to class