Rural Health Grant Opportunities Jerry Coopey, MPH Office of Rural Health Policy Health Resources and Services Administration U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Indiana Rural Health Association January 9, 2008
About the Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP) Created in 1987 by Congress to help address rural health problems Created in 1987 by Congress to help address rural health problems Advises the Secretary and the DHHS on rural issues. Advises the Secretary and the DHHS on rural issues. Administers grant programs, makes policy recommendations, and supports research Administers grant programs, makes policy recommendations, and supports research Monitor regulations and their impact on rural providers (Medicare/aid, SCHIP) Monitor regulations and their impact on rural providers (Medicare/aid, SCHIP)
ORHP Staff
Priorities for 2007 Priorities for 2007 Performance/Quality Improvement Performance/Quality Improvement Health Information Technology Health Information Technology Mental Health Mental Health Oral Health Oral Health HRSA Headquarters, Rockville, MD
ORHP Budget FY 08 Rural Health Outreach $48.0 M Rural Health Outreach $48.0 M Denali (AK) Project $38.6 M Denali (AK) Project $38.6 M Delta Health Initiative $24.6 M Delta Health Initiative $24.6 M Rural Hospital Flexibility $24.0 M Rural Hospital Flexibility $24.0 M Small Hospital Improvement $14.0M Small Hospital Improvement $14.0M Rural Health Research and Policy $8.6 M Rural Health Research and Policy $8.6 M State Offices of Rural Health $8.0 M State Offices of Rural Health $8.0 M Black Lung Program $5.8 M Black Lung Program $5.8 M Radiogenic Diseases $1.9 M Radiogenic Diseases $1.9 M Access to Emergency Devices $1.5 M Access to Emergency Devices $1.5 M Earmarks $???? Earmarks $???? TOTAL $175.0M TOTAL $175.0M
Health Information Technology National Advisory Committee Report Chapter National Advisory Committee Report Chapter Collaboration with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Collaboration with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Collaboration with HRSA OHIT and OAT Collaboration with HRSA OHIT and OAT Lessons Learned from 2006 ORHPs Rural HIT Meeting Lessons Learned from 2006 ORHPs Rural HIT Meeting A physician in a CAH that uses the VA Electronic Medical Record system
CAH HIT Grants $24 million $24 million 16 awards 16 awards Indiana - $1.6M Indiana - $1.6M Support the development of one CAH-HIT Network pilot program in a State Flex program Support the development of one CAH-HIT Network pilot program in a State Flex program
Rural Health Information Technology New USDA Initiative on Electronic Medical Records New USDA Initiative on Electronic Medical Records Combines grant and loan funding 5% Combines grant and loan funding 5% Can apply up to one month before end of FY Can apply up to one month before end of FY $50K up to $1 million $50K up to $1 million Also continuing their annual grants and loans for distance learning and telemedicine Also continuing their annual grants and loans for distance learning and telemedicine
Rural Health Research Support 8 rural health research centers that conduct short and long-term studies on rural health issues – anticipate the policy questions Support 8 rural health research centers that conduct short and long-term studies on rural health issues – anticipate the policy questions Studies inform policy makers at Federal, State, Tribal and local levels Studies inform policy makers at Federal, State, Tribal and local levels Single-Year Policy Oriented Grants: $150K Single-Year Policy Oriented Grants: $150K Info about past and ongoing studies Info about past and ongoing studieshttp://
The Rural Hospital Environment Critical Access Hospitals/Flex Conversions slowing Whats next? New competition will see a change in focus by Flex Grantees
Measuring the Impact of Flex on CAHs Developing performance measures for the Flex program Developing performance measures for the Flex program Improving financial performance of CAHs Improving financial performance of CAHs Expansion of CAH core services Expansion of CAH core services Quality improvement/Patient Safety Quality improvement/Patient Safety Increasing use of HIT Increasing use of HIT Community benefit/impact Community benefit/impact Flex State Grantees Flex State Grantees
Working with CMS to develop strong but common sense relocation guidelines Working with CMS to develop strong but common sense relocation guidelines Working with HUD, USDA & non-gov funders Working with HUD, USDA & non-gov funders Model Plans Available Free hosp/prototype.pdf Model Plans Available Free hosp/prototype.pdf CAH Replacement Manual CAH Replacement Manual Access To Capital
CAH Replacement
Resources and Technical Assistance Rural Assistance Center One-stop shopping for information about rural health and human services One-stop shopping for information about rural health and human serviceshttp:// Provides technical assistance for the Flex Program in the form of information, tools and resources. Provides technical assistance for the Flex Program in the form of information, tools and resources.
Resources and Technical Assistance RHPI Education and Training Gateway RHPI Education and Training Gateway National Rural Recruitment and Retention Network (3RNet) National Rural Recruitment and Retention Network (3RNet) Helps States recruit providers; 750 last year Helps States recruit providers; 750 last yearhttp://
Resources and Technical Assistance Rural Health Works Rural Health Works TA, tools and training to help States measure the economic impact of the health care sector TA, tools and training to help States measure the economic impact of the health care sector Conducts feasibility studies for new health care services Conducts feasibility studies for new health care services Network Development Network Development TA for developing and improving rural networks.
Resources and Technical Assistance National Association of Rural Health Clinics National Association of Rural Health Clinics RHC Technical Assistance Conference Calls RHC Technical Assistance Conference Calls CAH and FQHC Collaboration CAH and FQHC Collaboration Others: USDA, HUD, Foundations Others: USDA, HUD, Foundations
TA and Grant Resources Rural Assistance Center TASC RHPI Education and Training Gateway National Rural Recruitment and Retention Network (3RNet) Rural Health Works National Association of Rural Health Clinics ORHP
Beat the Chargers and then the Pats (cheaters) Pats (cheaters)
Speaker Contact Information Jerry Coopey ORHP