Transforming the Academy by Empowering the Faculty Dr. Jacqueline F. Moloney, Dean of University College Dr. Mary Beaudry, Director of the Faculty Teaching Center
Transformation of the Academy -Frosh Program Established -Expand to Comprehensive Academic Services Outcomes -Faculty Advisory Committee Oversee Design -Faculty Study Groups Examine Assumptions -Faculty Involvement in Selection and Training -Non-threatening workshops, Technology forums, Conversations -Seed Grants -Exploration of the Role of Teachers -Task Force on Teaching and Learning -Budget Oversight -Action Plan Developed -Two Faculty Teaching Centers established -Interdisciplinary Course Planning -Expanded Faculty Institutes -Council on Teaching and Learning -Executive Committee - Oversight of.5 million Budget Centers for Learning Colloquia and Workshops Faculty Teaching BeginCenter Faculty Study Student Problems Faculty Explore Their Role as Teacher Faculty Execute Budgets Faculty Empowerment
Educational Change Theory Fullen Don’t underestimate the amount of time Change involves anxiety Technical Support Understand the problem Continuous Feedback Kanter Loss of Control Loss of Face Surprise Ripple Effects and More Work
Program Start-Up Faculty Resistance-Faculty Involvement Tutoring Advisory C. High Risk Study Commission Advising Commission Computer Users’ Group Build Coalitions Faculty Control Information Technical Support & Services for Faculty
Centers for Learning and Academic Support Services Freshman Programs 11,000 Usages Testing & Placement Transitional Tracks Strategies for Success Tutoring and Advising 14,000 Usages Advising Center Tutoring Services Supplemental Instruction Educational Computing 25, 000 Usages Computer Labs Faculty Instit. Multi-Media Annual Usages=50,000 per year
Workshop: Exploring National Trends Better understanding of students Understanding effect of organized content on learning Increased opportunities faculty learning from colleagues Additional teaching skills Curriculum reform/department projects Grants: individual/group Grants: subject matter/teaching skills Voluntary participation, subsidy, coercion Teaching Centers Faculty ownership Sense that colleagues and administrators value teaching Training to develop skills Tangible changes -Courses/Curriculum -Teaching Characteristics of Successful Emphasis Approaches Programs
Workshop Outcomes Membership on Task Force on Teaching/Learning Action Plan Developed by Task Force -Create center for Academic Excellence with library -Develop means of recognizing excellent teaching -Foster growth of faculty as teachers/advisors -Encourage research to improve teaching/learning -advocate curriculum improvements Budget allocations-$40,000 -Seed Grants -Conversations -Teaching center construction
Faculty Teaching Center-UMass Lowell Faculty Institutes -Workshops, Internet, -Seminars -Course Planning, Syllabus Development -Teaching with technology, Distance learning on television Colloquia-conversations, brown bag lunches Technical Support, Consultation -Multimedia in the classroom -Course redesign, instructional approaches Informational Resources -external conferences, awards, etc. -instructional library
Outcomes-Faculty Teaching Center The mission of the faculty teaching center is to establish a campus community which promotes research and excellent teaching, and enhances student learning. Since the Center opened in September 1993, over 350 faculty members have participated in activities promoting their development as teachers and researchers.
Outcomes-Faculty Teaching Center Total Usages of Council on Teaching and Learning Initiatives Consultations include : Individual Consults=50 Participation in Group Presentations=140 Teaching Assistance Preparation=20 Colloquia Include: Conversations=350 Brown bag lunch=45 Teaching and Technology Seminars=35 Course Planning Seminars=40 Teaching Awards=25 Resources Include: Seed Grant Awards=74 Instructional Library Requests=250 Instructional Development Facility=70