IM Delivery and Read Reports Hisham Khartabil
Requirements draft-rosenberg-simple-messaging-requirements-01 It MUST be possible for the sender of an IM to request a delivery notification. It MUST be possible for the delivery notification to be sent at an arbitrary time in the future. The delivery notification MUST be capable of indicating that the message was delivered to the intended target. The delivery notification MUST be capable of indicating whether the message was delivered successfully, or whether, when it was delivered, the recipient generated an error. The delivery notification MUST indicate the time of message delivery. The delivery notification MUST indicate the specific message which was delivered. When an IM is sent to a group, there MUST be delivery notifications generated about the delivery of the IM to each group participant. MUST support recursive groups.
Solution Example 1 UA1UA2Proxy MESSAGE 200 Ok MESSAGE 200 Ok
Solution Example 2 UA1UA2IM Server MESSAGE 481 Ok 200 Ok MESSAGE 200 Ok
Examples IM MESSAGE... Content-type: Message/CPIM From: Alice To: Bob Message-ID: 34jk324j Receipt-Request: positive-delivery, negative-delivery Content-type: text/plain Content-length: 12 Hello World Report MESSAGE... Content-type: Message/CPIM From: Bob To: Alice Content-type: message/status-report Content-Disposition: confirm Content-length:... 34jk324j delivery 200 The message was successfully Delivered
Issues Content-Disposition header in the report. Should it be on SIP/MSRP level or message/cpim?
Way Forward No need to discuss technical issues yet Is the WG interested in solving such problem?