IM Goats action plan July 2012 (global communication)
Audience (R4D community) Activity or product (audience) Who leads it By when Support needed? (who could help perhaps?) Technical Advisory Note (TAN) on OM Haile(check with IFAD) template/model, data, writing, conceptualization (Ramkumar, Birgit, Saskia, Ann, Kees) Technical Advisory Note (TAN) on IP and collective action Kees(check with IFAD) template/model, data, writing, conceptualization (Haile Ramkumar, Birgit, Saskia) Technical Advisory Note (TAN) on value chain analysis/approach Derek/acho(check with IFAD) template/model, data, writing, conceptualization (Ramkumar, Birgit, Saskia, Kees) Video (short) on projectsSaskia/KMIS/ communication Dec 2012Production/editing Video (short) on key messagesSaskia / KMISDec 2012Content / project staff Wiki / blogsTezira/Ewen/ resource people RegularContent / Project staff Remark: check with IFAD about template/model/audience
Audience (ILRI community) Activity or product (audience) Who leads it By whenSupport needed? (who could help perhaps?) Internal reflection meeting on OM within ILRI projects KeesTo be decided Plan /conceptualize with other projects working on OM mapping Internal reflection meeting on R4D partnerships SaskiaTo be decided Plan /conceptualize with other projects working on R4D partnerships Internal reflection meeting on IPs, hubs, collective action (or possibly beyond ILRI, e.g. ACIAR workshop) KeesTo be decided Plan /conceptualize with other projects working on imGoats Internal discussion/research reports based on imGoats (see research community) See research community Remark: reflection meetings open for discussion; only when considered relevant within ILRI; some issues can possibly be combined
Audience (Research community) Activity or product (audience) Who leads it By when Support needed? (who could help perhaps?) Article value of OM in R4D projectsHaileDec 2012data delivery validation/conceptualization Article on IP process and outcomesKeesDec 2012data delivery validation/conceptualization (Article VCA/Approach in imGoats)?Derek/AchoDec 2012Clarity from Derek/Acho (Kees to follow up by end July) Article on goat productions systems in India (exact topic to be determined) RamkumarDec 2012Conceptualization Article goat productions systems in Moz. (exact topic to be determined) BirgitDec 2012Conceptualization Article on relevance of context….(to be worked out) (not clear yet) (to be discussed) Dec 2012Conceptualization Additional research reports/article from each country (e.g. in Mozambique) Brigit, Ramkumar Dec 2012To be discussed with Saskia, and Birgit/Ramkumar (follow up Kees end July) Additional technical articles/research reports from each country (e.g. de- worming etc) Depends on topic Dec 2012To be discussed with Saskia (follow up by Kees by end July) Student/master thesesStudent(depends)Supervisors Q: In case of articles, first ILRI discussion paper (Dec), which can be submitted to journal with minor modifications)
Overall work plan Activity / productWho lead By when Support needed? (who could help perhaps?) Overall research strategy/work planKees15 July Final research strategy/work plankees27 JulyFeedback Saskia, Birgit, Ramkumar, Acho/Derek, Haile Outlines products (1-2 pager)Lead person15 Sept Conceptualization through Brainstorm, feedback, interaction if required Data analyzedLead person1 NovData delivery / statistical analysis (Jane) / check with principle researchers Draft Technical advisory Notes (TAN)KS, Haile, DB/Acho ??? (check) Co-writing/feedback (Birgit, Ramkumar, Saskia, An, ILRI/IFAD?) Final Technical Advisor Notes (TAN)KS, Haile, DB/Acho ??? (check) Co-writing/feedback (Birgit, Ramkumar, Saskia, An, ILRI/IFAD?) Draft ILRI discussion/research papersLead author1 DecContribution co-authors (depends on product) Final ILRI discussion/research papersLead author31 DecFeedback internal reviewers / co-authors/ communication/editing)? Submit articles to journalsLead authorJan 13communication Plan internal reflection meetings (if)Kees, Saskia???Contribution resource people from other projects Video/wiki/blogKMIS?Project staff