So I’m A Board Member Tell Me More Presentation by: Wayne Page Alberta Community Development Volunteer Services Branch
In These Sessions We Will Look at areas such as: Governance Governance Functions Positions Committees Board Staff Relationships Policy Development Strategic Planning
Why Does Your Organization Exist? You need to ask yourself the following questions: What is our organization’s reason for being? Why do we do what we do? What does the community need in our area of expertise? What is special about our organization? What do we do that is different from other organizations? If the organization did not exist what would be missing in the community?
Types of Boards Advisory Governing
Governing Boards Policy Boards Policy Governing Boards Working Boards Collectives
Hour Glass Model Authority – The formal legitimate right given to people to take certain actions themselves or to require others to take certain actions. Responsibility – The obligation people have to carry out assigned tasks in an effective efficient and conscientious manner. Accountability – Making people answerable for the results of the tasks assigned to them.
True or False You must believe in the importance and value of an organization before considering election to a board. Good relations between the board and staff are the responsibility of all board members. Board members who do not agree with a board decision should lobby outside the board to have the decision reviewed. You are not responsible for actions taken at a meeting you did not attend.
What is Governance? It is the exercise of authority, direction and control of the organization to ensure its purpose is achieved.
Governance Clarifies: Who is in charge of what? Who sets the direction and parameters within which the direction is to be pursued? Who makes decisions about what? Who sets performance indicators, monitors progress and evaluates results? Who is accountable to whom for what?
Principles of Governance The Board articulates and communicates the mission/vision The Board defines the parameters within which the organization operates. The Board focuses on the whole organization, rather than on particular issues of interest to the Board or to individual Board members. The Board must work as a whole. No individual member, including the chair, or group of individuals such as committees, has the authority to direct the organization or its staff.
Principles of Governance The Board is a body that speaks with one voice or not at all. The Board hires, supervises and releases only one employee: the CEO. The Board avoids making management and operational decisions The Board is responsible for its own management. This includes Board recruitment, orientation, agenda development, evaluation and meeting management.
Role Clarification I think the BOARD currently does: I think the BOARD I think the BOARD currently does: I think the BOARD should do: I think the BOARD shouldn’t do: I think the EXECUTIVE currently does: I think the EXECUTIVE should do: I think the EXECUTIVE shouldn’t do: I think the STAFF currently does: I think the STAFF I think the STAFF shouldn’t do:
Framework/ Ends/Outcomes Values: are standards or qualities that represent core beliefs or convictions that establish priorities for decision-making and action. What do you want your organization to stand for? What values/ beliefs should guide the decisions of the organization?
Mission Statement Describes your purpose/ reason for your existence; Describes what you do and for whom; Clear, easily said and understood; Answers the question what business are you in.
Vision Statement A vision is not a plan; It is a declaration of the organizations most desirable future; It is a picture of what you want to create for people you serve; It is concrete and specific; It is consistent with the organizations values, philosophies and behaviours; It is attainable and realistic; It is challenging and bold.
Target statement(s) Identifies who is the beneficiary of the programs and services of the organization. Who does your organization provide services to?
Clarify the end results of the organization in major areas; Aims or strategic direction Clarify the end results of the organization in major areas; Broadly describe how the organization will accomplish its mission and work towards its vision.
Policy Governing Board Governance Functions Policy Board Framework Governance Policy Governance Program Governance Personnel Governance Advocacy Governance Policy Governing Board Ends/ Outcomes/ Results CEO Limitations Board Governance Board Staff Relationship
You Want Me to Do What? A Board must know what it expects of each member and must communicate these expectations to prospective members during the board recruitment process. The process of defining a job and writing a position description forces the Board to openly clarify its expectations as a board member, president/ chair, vice-president/ chair, secretary, treasurer etc.
Sample Questions Regular Meetings? Notice/ Preparation? Written Policies? Accounting? Programs? Monitoring/Supervision?
Board Member Position Description What is the job title? Authority: What authority does the position have? Responsibility: Who is accountable to whom? What are the broad areas of responsibility? Requirements: What is expected of board members?
Board Member Position Description General Duties: What are the typical duties board members are responsible for? Evaluation: How will board members ‘ effectiveness be assessed? Review Date: When will this job description be reviewed? Approval Date: The board must approve the job descriptions for board members. State when it was last approved.
I’m The President/ Chair Representing the Society in all matters pertaining to the organization; Ensures the Board adheres to its bylaws, objectives, policies and procedures; Keeps the meeting discussion on topic by summarizing issues; Evaluates the effectiveness of the Board’s decision-making process;
What Might the Vice –President/ Chair Do? Acts in the absence of the President; To assist with the coordination of the Association’s Annual Evaluation and Planning Retreat;
Do I just Count Money? Acts as signing officer for checks and other documents; Present at regular meetings or whenever required an account of all transactions; Report quarterly/semi-annually/ annually to the Board of Directors on the status of the Association’s financial position; Disburse the funds of the Association as ordered by the Executive Committee.
Just Minutes? Attend all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors and all Association Meetings of Members; Signs Board minutes to attest to their accuracy; Send or cause to be sent such copies of Minutes and Notices of Meetings to Members and Directors as required by By-laws; Keep or cause to be kept copies of the organization’s bylaws and Board’s policy statements; Ensures there is a quorum at the meetings.
Performance Expectations Represent un-conflicted loyalty to the interests of the organization and its membership. Conflict of interest: Avoid conflict of interest with respect to fiduciary responsibility: holding a position of trust that requires a board member to act honestly, in good faith and in the best interest of the organization. Must not exercise individual authority over staff or the society, except as described in policy.
Performance Expectations Deal with outside entities or individuals, with clients and staff, and with each other, in a manner reflecting fair play, ethics, and straightforward communication. Be informed about current issues and be prepared to discuss these issues; Notify the chairperson in advance if unable to attend board meeting; Provide written reports in advance of the meeting; Read minutes before meetings. Attend all board and committee meetings; develop a working knowledge of meeting procedures.
Performance Expectations Keep confidential board business and matters of a delicate nature. Speak positively of the organization to the public.
Board Member Self-Evaluation Am I still interested? Do I attend? Do I participate? Do I understand duties? Do I keep informed? Do I support the Board? Am I flexible?
Have I improved my effectiveness? Do I defend the organization from unwanted criticism? Do I contribute? Do I know when it is time to quit?
Am I liable? Before the Meeting At the Meeting After the Meeting Measures to reduce liability
COMMITTEES The possibility of avoiding decisions increases with the size of the committee Rangnekar’s Law
Terms of Reference Purpose Composition Authority Meetings Resources Objectives Accountability Reporting/ Target dates
Board/ Staff Relationships Guidelines for Successful Board Relationships What staff bring to the relationship What can staff reasonably expect? What do board volunteers Bring What can board members reasonably expect? Thirteen ways to turn off staff and board
Policies Consistency Operationalizing Decisions Give direction Ensure uniformity Protection from expediency Promote organizational values Based on fact, not opinion
The two greatest problems facing the world today are: MAKING ENDS MEET and MAKING MEETINGS END!!!!!
Time Wasters ????????????
Role of the Chair Be prepared Detailed agenda Delegate Realistic expectations Learn by doing Evaluate
Leadership Is The art of coordinating and motivating people to achieve goals which they find desirable. It is the force that moves individuals and groups toward some accomplishment.
Questions for A Meeting Leader Might we achieve the communication without holding a meeting? Might we reduce the length of the meeting? Might we set the time to end the meeting as well as start it? Is the meeting being held only because it is always held then? Are participants well prepared to discuss agenda items? Is an agenda prepared, issued and followed? Are the meeting objectives clear: does everyone know them in advance? Are the objectives “Results - oriented”? Are written reports circulated in advance of meeting? Is sufficient “Mind Set” given for new topics?
Questions for A Meeting Leader Is timing generally observed? Do we refrain recapping for latecomers? Are drawn out, rambling speakers controlled? Might we use “Brainstorming” more when the meeting is dragging? Are too many items being dealt with at this particular meeting? Do we end with a list of decisions: who does what and when? Does the meeting always need to be held at this time?
Chairperson’s Checklist Setting the Agenda Call meeting to order on time Direct the business and conduct meeting Maintain order Introduce guest speakers Ensure that all who are entitled to speak are heard
Provide time for discussion on motions Lay out alternative decisions Refrain from making speeches and debating motions Summarize issues Proper voting procedures Appoint committee members
Make decisions promptly and fairly Know when informality is more efficient than strict parliamentary procedures Limit long-winded speakers
Responsibilities of Participants Know the purpose of the meeting Confirm attendance in advance Complete work required of you to bring to meeting Arrive at meeting before the scheduled time Avoid side conversations during the meeting Ask questions when not sure about something
Open to ideas of others A good listener Actively participate in discussions Help others stay on topic Following meetings, take agreed upon action Adhere to agreed upon meeting ground rules
Financial Management Roles and responsibilities Financial Management Checklist
Strategic Planning Five Phases of Strategic Planning Benefits of Strategic Planning Area of Emphasis Terminology
Ladder of Development
Board Building Renewing the Board Orienting, Training and developing your board
Managing Conflict Types of Conflict Ground rules Conflict management Styles