DR. ZINA GINEITIENĖ The new way of networking: Starfish-type network initiated by Melkys ecovillage, Lithuania
EMPHASIS ON the implementation and dissemination of ecology ideas in society
A STARFISH NETWORK (SOCIAL CLUSTER) best corresponds to an atmosphere of friendship and team spirit in the village
NETWORK ACTIVITIES can be implemented by thematic working groups
CIRCLES The circles are working groups with a nonhierarchical structure, where all participants are equal. The Melkys community initiates the development of a circle when a catalyst (see below) proposes a new idea. For example, in 2011, a hemp cultivation circle was established.
CATALYSTS A catalyst is a generator of ideas. In this case, the idea generator is mainly Zinaida Gineitienė – the founder of Melkys ecovillage and Professor of Social Sciences at Vilnius University.
COMMON IDEOLOGY Each Melkys ecovillage network circle has its own ideology, which is associated with its specific topic and the implementation of its idea.
EXPERIENCE FROM OTHER ORGANIZATIONS The majority of Melkys ecovillage network members are active members of various non-governmental organizations.
CHAMPIONS Champions take all the necessary steps to implement the ideas suggested by the catalyst (who is the initiator of a circle). Sometimes members of Melkys community act as champions, but most often people from outside are involved. The main slogan of the Melkys network champions is: ‘Don’t do anything half way’.
THE MOST ACTIVE MELKYS ECOVILLAGE CIRCLES ARE Circle for hemp cultivation. Circle for women entrepreneurs and managers. Circle for straw and clay buildings.
Circle for cultural heritage, taking care of the preservation of local history and sharing knowledge through summer camps, festivals and other social events. Circle for organic farming, and also techniques for ancient crafts and ecological construction.
Circle for supporting vulnerable groups in society, which takes care of Melkys area orphans, disabled and elderly people who are not supported by their children, poor families, and those addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Circle for the village economy, which is responsible for the inclusion of local unemployed people or those living below the poverty line into organic farming and other economic activities in the ecovillage. The main tasks are development of their skills and assistance to earn some extra income.
Thank you and welcome to Melkys!