Photos by Karin May and Meghan Mooney The Picturing My World Community Photography Project Bloomington, Indiana Captions by Karin May
Our apartment complex
Mailboxes in front of our apartment
Our garden at our apartment complex
A nice picture in our bedroom
I like the movie Titanic.
A picture of my husband being funny
Me and my husband's son that's 8 years old: Jacob May
It's a good friend's house. He's been friends with my husband for a long time.
Our friend's house
A fun day with a friend of mine.
Me sitting at the park and it was a nice pose.
I like the flowers.
Picturing My World was a project of The Center on Aging and Community at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community. This project also received support from VSA arts of Indiana, Indiana Governor's Council for People with Disabilities, Cord Camera, and the Mathers Museum of World Cultures. Thanks to Kathy Petreré, Instructor and the Bloomington Photography Club.
For more photos and stories of Picturing My World participants, go to