Intro to Go-Cat, with emphasis on A/V and Reserve searching. Steve Schermerhorn These slides are on the
W ith special emphasis on locating: Audio-Visual and Materials Reserves
Go-Cat Access Via Library web page: Or, directly to the catalog: Also, in the library, at every public access PC Available anytime, except during nightly backup… 10pm-11pm nightly, and midnight-4am on Saturday.
Go-Cat The Basics, Page 1 of 3. ä Go-Cat lists every title that the Goleman Library owns: ä Where copies of those titles are located; AND if they are available now, or in use by someone else; ä Go-Cat allows you to search for library titles: ä Search by Subject/Title/Author OR Keywords, and Reserve Book Room (Instructor/Course)
Go-Cat The Basics, Page 2 of 3. ¤ Limit Search ¤ You may apply limits to any search. ¤ Limit options are Date (limit by year or year range), Type of Materials, Language. ¤ Sort Search ¤ You may sort any search result by ¤ Author, title, subject, material type, date of publication, reverse date of publication
Go-Cat The Basics, Page 3 of 3. ä “My Account” ä Renew your materials: ä Extend the return date on your materials; ä Track your requests and fines: ä Access your fine and request lists. Place or cancel your requests.
Go-Cat Types of materials listed. ä Goleman Library holdings: ä Books ä Magazine and Journal titles / issues ä Videocassettes ä Compact disc ä Music & ä Spoken word ä DVD ä Atlases ä Music scores ä Reserve Book room ä Web information
Go-Cat Location of items ä Go-Cat tells you what the library owns AND where these items are: ä Location of collection ä Library of Congress Call Number (Idea: materials with same subject get the same call number) Sample: Reserve/A-V Desk Area 1st Flr location [RES] QA152.2.L x v. 1 lccn Call # for video: “Intermediate Algebra”
Sample Search 1 of 3: I want to find all the video that the library has about Electron Microscopy… (Subject Keyword search, with video limit)
Click on the “Add Limits” button. Enter a search term; use ? To truncate Keywords.
Choose Video limit Start a keyword subject search
Sort your results
Get the call number, and see if the items are checked out
Sample Search 2 of 3: Does the library have any DVDs in Spanish?… (Title keyword (DVD), with language limit)
Enter DVD Limit by Language Search by Title Words
Sort by title
List of audio visual format used in GoCat title field: A/V formats we own in the library AND that you can search in Go-Cat (via Title Keyword search): –DVD –Videorecording –Compact disc –Audio cassette –Phonograph record –computer file –Electronic resource You may search these terms as a “Keyword/Title”, and/or limit by “Material format” to get browseable lists of our titles.
Sample Search 3 of 3: Does the library have any recordings of Schubert’s 5 th symphony?… (Author heading search)
Use Heading search Limit by format, if you wish, but not necessary Search by author (composer), I’ve also included the start of the form of the piece (symphony)
Reserve Room searching: All materials in the Reserve Room are searchable by Instuctor name AND Department Name/Course Name… (As well as by Keyword, and Author/Title/Subject)
Use Reserve Room Enter an instructor’s last name, and click Search by instructor
Full Record Information link lists availability.