The Ready by 21 ™ Challenge To change the odds for youth by changing the way we do business…
© The Forum for Youth Investment 2008 The Basic Idea: Bringing Precision to Our Passion Why do we need precision? Because continuing to add on policies, programs and initiatives without adding up what’s currently there is not only ineffective but uninspiring. Who fills this developmental space? How well? Who benefits? Ages Times of Day Outcome Areas ? ? ? scho ol after scho ol “Developmental White Space”
© The Forum for Youth Investment 2008 Bringing Precision to Passion (2) How do we move forward to make change? Agree on common terms and indicators across the three gears. Use them consistently to set goals, make plans and track progress across systems and settings. “Translate existing goals and plans into common language. Make data systems talk to each other. Recalibrate as needed.
© The Forum for Youth Investment 2008 Precision Basics Common Terms to describe all the elements that need to be monitored as a part of your change effort (e.g. ages, outcomes, settings) An Actionable Vision that spells out goals across “the gears.” Balanced Set of Indicators sorted and prioritized for each gear. Counts, Baselines, Benchmarks to show where you started and where you want to go. Priority Areas & Action Plans that help you set bigger goals, be better partners and deliver on bolder strategies Implementation Strategies designed to achieve results. Interlocking Tracking Systems that provide real time data on youth outcomes, youth participation, program/services availability and quality, and human and fiscal resource allocation. Take Aim Take Stock Take Action Track Progress
© The Forum for Youth Investment 2008 Bringing Precision to Passion (3) Where do we begin? This is too big to tackle and we’re already committed to things. Begin where there is momentum or a mandate to: Build/expand a coordinating group Create a broad youth master plan Create a specific action plan to move an indicator or address a population Improve system performance and reach Create recommendations for policy/resource alignment. Create a coherent set of goals and metrics Collect integrated data. Increase public awareness or engagement. Involve youth. Aim for precision where there is energy and resources. Assess progress in the other areas. Make corrections where needed to protect your big investment. Don’t cut corners. Do it once. Do it right.
© The Forum for Youth Investment 2008 Scale Up National: Ready by 21 sparks new public idea (discussed among policy makers, organizations and individuals) about the benefits of early and sustained investments in children and youth and the need for shared responsibility. State/Local: Ready by 21 ushers in a new public accountability for improved child and youth outcomes that is linked to real data on system level data not only on youth programs, public private resources States and localities taking on the Challenge will measure themselves against ambitious 10 year goals: e.g. Shifts from 4 in 10 doing well to 7 in 10 e.g. Shifts from 2 in 5 having resources to 4 in 5 Metrics to be determined.
© The Forum for Youth Investment 2008 The Scale Up Strategy: 5 year tasks & targets Over the next five years, the primary focus of the Forum will be to: Streamline Ready by 21 Tools. By 2009, complete the development and compilation of a suite of affordable, customizable on-line tools. E ngage Ready Partners. By 2010, up to 20 national partners committed to bringing more people into the Ready by 21 Leadership Network. S upport Ready Places. By 2011, 200 states and localities with leadership teams that are taking on the challenge. Coach Big Picture Leaders. By 2012, 2000 leaders using an integrated set of field- tested conceptual and practical tools. Develop the Ready by 21 Challenge Fund. By 2013, at least a $21 million Challenge Fund built by public, private and corporate funders to provide support to people, places and partners ready to manage, make and measure change. TAB 4.1
© The Forum for Youth Investment 2008 Places: Where did the numbers come from? 200/2000/$20M numbers extrapolated from R by 21 Quality Counts Initiative. Forum w/ CYPQ currently working w/ 20 places: 7 localities and 5 states (that have engaged 13 localities). Each site engaging an average of 10 leaders in planning/decision-making group. Each site getting $100,000 matching funds over 2 years and approximately same in direct training and technical assistance. Forum will work with all national partners to move from 20 to 100 state/local partners over 5 years. United Way, as signature partner, will reach another 100 through its system. TAB 4.1
© The Forum for Youth Investment 2008 Tools & Resources Conceptual Tools Big Picture Approach Blueprint for Action Practical Tools Self-Diagnostic tools Facilitation/Training materials Planning guides Data Selection guides Research syntheses Case examples Report templates Precision Tools. Program Quality Assessment Program Landscape Mapping Public Resource Mapping Initiative Mapping Workforce Surveys Youth Participation Tracking Youth Outcomes Index Stakeholder engagement “voting” software Italics = work not yet begun TAB 4.1
© The Forum for Youth Investment 2008 National Partners: What Roles do they play? Sector Mobilization: CVWF -- business NCSL – state policy makers AASA – K-12 educators NCY – nonprofit providers & youth development researchers Others in discussion: National League of Cities – city officials Search Institute – branded community coalitions Technical Supports: Center for Youth Program Quality – program quality assessment tools & rsch Youth Pathways Consortium – data sources, indicators, financing options, etc. Prevention First – R b21 TOT development – on-line program survey & program finders Search, United Way (youth surveys, 211) Others in discussion: America’s Promise (EC/EP Survey) City Span, Kid Trax (B Bowen consulting) Architect/ General Contractor: The Forum Full Distribution: United Way of America* TAB 4.1
© The Forum for Youth Investment 2008 Places: Levels of Engagement Level 1: Inspire and Inform Level 2: Involve & Instruct Level 3: Interact & Infuse Challenge Sites: Level 4: Institutionalize Communications & Self-Instruction Institutes & Trainings Affinity Groups & TA
© The Forum for Youth Investment 2008 Coaching Orientations Trainings Coaching Technical Assistance The Forum will expand the cadre of trained Ready by 21 coaches by working with United Way and Search Institute and recruiting from R by 21 sites.
© The Forum for Youth Investment 2008 Challenge Fund $20 million in Challenge Grant funds would be the minimum amount needed to provide some financial cushion to 200 sites prepared to publicly commit to turn the curve on indicators. The intent is that these would be matching grants – with a minimum of a 50% match. These sites will also receive direct resources in the form of mini-grants, training subsidies, travel stipends, and direct technical assistance.