Figure M.1a: MEA Bulk Supply Demand
Figure M.1b: PEA Bulk Supply Demand
Figure M.2- EGAT Direct Customers Demand, Peak Day
Figure M.3a: MEA Customer Demand by Tariff Classification, Working Day
Figure M.3b: MEA Customer Demand by Tariff Classification, Working Day
Figure M.3c: MEA Customer Demand by Tariff Classification, Saturday
Figure M.3d: MEA Customer Demand by Tariff Classification, Saturday
Figure M.3e: MEA Customer Demand by Tariff Classification, Sunday
Figure M.3f: MEA Customer Demand by Tariff Classification, Sunday
Figure M.4a: PEA Customer Demand by Tariff Classification, Working Day
Figure M.4b: PEA Customer Demand by Tariff Classification, Working Day
Figure M.4c: PEA Customer Demand by Tariff Classification, Saturday
Figure M.4d: PEA Customer Demand by Tariff Classification, Saturday
Figure M.4e: PEA Customer Demand by Tariff Classification, Sunday
Figure M.4f: PEA Customer Demand by Tariff Classification, Sunday
Figure M.5a: Industrial Demand, MEA and PEA
Figure M.5b: “Commercial” Demand, MEA and PEA