IM STRESSED OUT! Stress : the bodys normal response to change
Positive vs. Negative Eustress oPositive oMakes life more pleasurable oHelps you reach goals oMotivates you Distress oNegative oHas unhealthy effects oMakes you nervous oCant sleep
Common Stressors for You A little Stressful Stressful Very Stressful Arguing with sibling Moving/New School Forgetting HW Argue with Parent Weight Issues Lead in play Being sick Lunch Detention Suspension Using drugs/alcohol or family members who use Parents Divorce
The Bodys Response Fight or Flight: The natural response is to either fight the stressor or flee from it. To much stress may cause: Headaches Digestive problems High blood pressure Anxiety Depression Fatigue Lower resistance for infection
Stress Management Relax!!!!: This will slow your heart rate and make you feel less tense. How? Relax your muscles, take slow breaths, get enough sleep, and do things you enjoy! Stay Positive!!!: Keep things in perspective. Is probably no big deal! How? Think positively, keep your sense of humor and have fun! Physical Activity!!!: Being active is one of the healthiest ways to manage stress. It improves your heart, puts you in a better mood, increases your supply of oxygen, and makes you look and feel better.
Stress Relief Healthy Ways Exercise Listening to music Art Laughing Relaxing Unhealthy Ways Substance abuse Fighting Putting yourself down Hurting yourself
THE STRESS METER Levels of Stress Enraged Angry Frustrated Agitated Annoyed
Common Mental Health Issues Schizophrenia Multiple Personality Disorders Addiction Depression Low Self-Esteem