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ARCHIVES National Bureau of Economic Research (US) Documents from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) can be obtained by the public from their website Access may require payment. Attempting to access NBER files from this website will result in a file not found error message. 21 October 2013
ARCHIVES Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (CH) EPFL is Europes most cosmopolitan technical university. It receives students, professors and staff from over 120 nationalities. With both a Swiss and international calling, it is therefore guided by a constant wish to open up; its missions of teaching, research and partnership impact various circles: universities and engineering schools, developing and emerging countries, secondary schools and gymnasiums, industry and economy, political circles and the general public. From en.html, 14 October 2013
ARCHIVES WikiLeaks (SE) WikiLeaks is a not-for-profit media organisation. Our goal is to bring important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for sources to leak information to our journalists (our electronic drop box). One of our most important activities is to publish original source material alongside our news stories so readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth. We are a young organisation that has grown very quickly, relying on a network of dedicated volunteers around the globe. From, 13 October 2013
ARCHIVES Haverford College (US) Haverford is one of America's leading liberal arts colleges, a close-knit intellectual community that combines the Quaker values of dignity, tolerance and respect with a rigorous academic program. Students leave Haverford with an increased sense of independence, curiosity and confidence, as well as lasting bonds with friends and faculty. Whether they go on to advanced education, the workforce, travel, or public service, they leave grounded and well-equipped for rich, dynamic lives. From 13 October 2013
ARCHIVES Whiteboard Advisors (US) Whiteboard Advisors is a policy-oriented consulting practice. We provide proprietary research and strategic support to investors, philanthropic donors, government leaders, and entrepreneurs that seek unparalleled understanding of the education policy and business environment. Beyond education, our team members are actively engaged in other areas where business and public policy converge, including telecommunications, health IT, and clean energy technology. From 28 September 2013
ARCHIVES Centre for Research on Globalization (CA) The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) is an independent research and media organization based in Montreal. The CRG is a registered non- profit organization in the province of Quebec, Canada. Global Research … publishes news articles, commentary, background research and analysis on a broad range of issues, focussing on social, economic, strategic and environmental processes. The Centre also acts as a think tank on crucial economic and geopolitical issues. From 25 September 2013
ARCHIVES Adrian College (US) A private, co-educational college of liberal arts and sciences related to the United Methodist Church, Adrian College is a traditional four-year residential institution offering a focused undergraduate education with an advanced 4+1 Master's program. The College offers 40 majors and pre-professional programs, 22 varsity sports and seven institutes dedicated to a diverse and personalized approach to education. Adrian College features state-of-the-art facilities, small class sizes and an innovative approach to the academic and personal growth of its students. From, 21 September 2013