Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Short hystory of the university Hystorical forerunners: 18. century: Jesuite Academy century: Royal Academy Direct predecessor 1968Founding of College for Telecommunication and Transport 1980-expanding the training range 1993main goal is to develop into university 1994-new fields: economy, law, musin, medicine Széchenyi István University: 2002becoming a university 2005-Introducing the Bologna system Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Overview Faculties and Institutes: Faculty of Engineering Sciences Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics Petz Lajos Institute of Health and Social Sciences Varga Tibor Institute of Musical Art Students: full time corresponding About 60% of the students belong to the Faculty of Engineering Sciences Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Buildings Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Old and new buildings Main Buildnig of the Faculty Central students dormitory Development: Modernization of the old buildings Buildings in cooperation with the city of Győr New buildings built last 2-3 years Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
The architects’ „Black Box” Concert hall – old syinagogue Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences Audi Hungaria Department of Combustion Engines
Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
University Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Informatics engineer(2004) Civil engineer (2005) Mechanical engineer (2005) Transport engineer (2005) Mechatronics engineer(2005) Electrical engineer (2005) Architect(2006) Economy informatics engineer (2006) Environment engineer(2006) Engineer manager (2006) Engineer Trainer(2006) Vechicle engineer (2011) BScMSc Architect(2002/05) Mechatronics engineer (2007) Engineer-teacher(2007) Informatics engineer (2008) Vechicle engineer (2009) Transport engineer (2009) Logistics engineer(2009) Electrical engineer (2009) Infrastructure civil engineer(2009) Settlement engineer(2010) Construction architect(2010) Economy informatics engineer (2011) Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Students Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences Full timeCorresp.Distant learner.
Student number according to training type Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences Higher technical tr.. College level.University.BSc level. MSc level.Undivided univ. l..PhD.
Multidisciplinary Doctoral School in Engineering Sciences Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Fields of interest, organization This Multidisciplinary Doctoral School pursues its activities now according to the traditions of the predecessor College and the research interests of the faculty in a way arranged around the following three main disciplines: civil engineering information technology transportation engineering The Head of the Doctoral School is László Keviczky, a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) who had served as Secretary General and Vice-President of HAS in the past. He is also a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Scientific publications In the research activities connected to the Doctoral School, publications play an eminent role. Major SCI indexed journals and crucial referred conference proceedings of each specific field is strongly encouraged among Ph.D. students. Since 2008 the Faculty has been publishing an international scientific journal in English titled “Acta Technica Jaurinensis” (Győr Transactions of Engineering, see This journal plays a central role in providing an opportunity for students and professors alike to publish reviewed articles. An additional publication is the Hungarian Electronic Journal of Sciences ( an electronic review, which has been in existence since A series of volumes was launched containing early publications of Ph.D. students, entitled “Systems and Models of Engineering and IT”. These annual volumes might be the first step for some students in writing and publishing papers. Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Multidisciplinarity Although all research topics of the students have been assigned to one of the three disciplines, many topics are such that they can also be attached to other fields inside the Doctoral School. Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Interdisciplinary According to the publication database Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Some of our research topics Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
„Fast Simulation and Optimization” EU and national grants Leader of the research: Terlaky Tamás (Lehigh University, PA) research program leader: Horváth Zoltán (Széchenyi István Egyetem) Numerical methods of partial differential equations Parallel computing Optimization: Global optimum search Optimization: scheluding problems Optimization: Intelligent calculations Hardvergyorsítók: Mószertani- és szoftverfejlesztés PDE-k nagyon gyors megoldására GPU-n, FPGA-n Globális optimalizálási problémák párhuzamosítása Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Finite element methods in electrical engineering Hysteresis characteristics Eddy currents Electrical motors Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Sustainable use of natural resources 1. Annotation of environmental databases 2. Model comparison 3. harmonization of research Légköri nitrogén ülepedés, mg N m -2 év -1 Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Applied mathematical research Processes modellable by partial differental equation, optimizing biomatematics-biostatistics meshless methods image processing methods Industrial and academical application of the results Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Identification of processes in machine industry Modelling and testing of pre-production processes: Surface technologies Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Goals determine the various visible or instrumentally observable alterations qualify the constructions from the suitability and personal safety (accidence) points of view. Our diagnostic system is primarily based on a visual examination on the spot, its method is suitable for the examination of almost all important structures and structure changes of the buildings. A “morphological box” has been created: contains the hierarchic system of constructions connection with the construction components’ thesaurus appointed by the correct structure codes. Building conservation Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Some of our laboratories Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Laboratory developments 43 labors: Students’ labs Computer cabinets Research and development special laboratorys FromTIOP grants Material analysis (non-invasive), plastic-technology Motor tests Production processes, production logistics Applied mathematics, symulation Rádiofrequency Test Labor Robot techniques Transport systems Super computer for symulations Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Packing laboratory Testing areas: – Type analysis of packing materials of dangerous products – Mechanical and climatic tests – Quality control tests of packing materials – Analytic tests According to international (ISO, DIN, IEC, ASTM, ISTA stb.) standards Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Radio Frequency Test Laboratory Tests of redio frequency equipments: Analogue radio sets, Short range devices WLAN, Bluetooth equipments. Accredited to 10 harmonized EU standards Fully anaechoic chanber Frekvency range: 30 MHz – 40 GHz Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Innovative industrial robot development and programming Intelligent fuzzy communication of robots Intelligent Robot Laboratory Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Intelligent Control Systems Laboratory Kutatási területek: Autonome and DCS systems “Field bus” applications (Profibus, Interbus, Can-bus, Profinet, etc.) PLC control systems safety analysis Visualisation and SCADA systems Artificial intelligence in PLC systems (Fuzzy control) Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Audio and Video Laboratory Kutatási területek: Emberi hallás irányérzékelése Virtuális valóság alkalmazások és fejhallgató visszajátszási technikák Akusztikus mérések, “dummy-head” technika: az akusztikus információk átvitele GUIB: Felhasználói felület vakok részére Hangstúdió technológiák Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
A „SZENERGY Team” Cooperation of lecturers and stdents since 2007 Shell Eco-marathon: Urban concept solar cathegory First place in 2008, 2009, : positive energy balance Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences
THANK YOU FOR THE ATTENTION Széchenyi István University Faculty of Engineering Sciences