Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u To help something grow, you must have an understanding of what it wants to become.
Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u Passione e potenza - for customers and our business. Our customer is in the focus of our attention. We are aware, that our customers (internal and external) expect and pay for solutions - and not the explanation of their problems.
Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u We know that authenticity is everything. We believe in total, unquestioned and absolute honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, loyalty and respect as the foundations of our business ethics - No one should think for once, that if you cheat the company, it will remain hidden. - If we dont trust someone, we dont employ this person. If we employ someone, we trust this person. Courage is important. Whenever we see a successful business, someone made a courageous decision. Respect and fair play is the way how we deal with each other.
Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u The team expects from each of us to contribute. Entrapreneurial behaviour characterizes our rational and decision making process. We believe in being available for each other 24 x 7 and communicating with each other actively. Our Sun-down rule says, that all open questions from external or internal customers have to be answered before leaving, no matter how long your day is going to last. Letting someone done is considered a ticket out of the company. Leadership is, to live perfection.
Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u It is our culture to AGREE on common goals rather then DEFINING ways how to solve a problem. Our goals are SMART, as they are Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Realistic and have a Time target. We are a process driven organization. If any team member recognizes a flaw in a process, it is her/his duty to improve it until it is solved. All of us work hard to be part of the solution, not of the problem. No ranks, no titles – whoever is working on solving a problem has the authority to pull together all team members which it takes to solve the matter. Hierarchical rank plays an secondary role in such processes.
Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u We work on problems systematically by 1.describing the problem precisely, so that all team members involved understand 2.Identifying the failure mode 3.Taking corrective action to avoid systematic failures Constructive criticism is welcome and needed – ANYTIME. it represents the only accepted way to deal with each other. ANYTHING that does not go right or can be improved needs to be put on the table. Micro politics are out.
Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u We concentrate on our core competencies and strategic goals. We only do, what we know best. We pay attention to perfect equipment. We believe in our success. We pursue our goals. - and take a fresh start - every single day. We are careful not to underestimate in any way the people of the company, their appetite for change and their ability to do hard things.
Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u We are addicted to quality and advanced technology. We love positive people arround us and live fundamental optimism. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. We know that in Chinese, CRISIS is a compositum of Threat and Opportunity. We love speed. At the same token we do know, that sometimes we have to go slow to go fast. We know that it is useless to start working on technical matters if emotional conflicts remain unsolved.
Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u We facilitate change and respect change as the only thing that remains constant. We know what happens to companies that refuse to change - If change outside the company is greater than inside, the end is near. (Jack Welch / GE) - In the future there will be two types of companies: The flexible ones and the dead. (John Naisbitt) The flexible ones and the dead. (John Naisbitt) We know that people have nothing against change per se. Just against the fact of being changed. For that reason we pay special attention in change process that each team player affected understands the common goals.
Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u We need change to avoid running into a situation, where We work in structures of yesterday With methods of today On problems of tomorrow predominantly with people originating from the cultural background of the day before yesterday, who built the structures of yesterday and who will not be there in the company the day after tomorrow.
Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u We have learnt how to manage conflict and use the Boston negotiations concept. Seek cooperation. Start by letting loose of individual goals. Concentrate on individual motives. Exchange interests and develop common goals by creating an understanding for the other partys (unknown) needs. Be surprised by the quality of solutions arising in front of you. Feel enchantement.
Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u We thrive on innovation and technical leadership. We believe in professionalism and perseverance. We power a high performance organization. We believe in sustainability and longterm thinking. For us, it is not about reaching limits, it is about rising above them. If we can dream it, we can do it. - and most of all, we believe in ourselves – in people !
Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u If you know who you are. If youll try anything once. If you wont take no for an answer. If you live your own life. If you like to share. If you dont try to be something youre not. If you think conformity is boring. If youre a man or a woman. If your believes and values match ours. - You should come and see us.