Trends in incidence and mortality, England 1989 to 2010
Funnel plot of incidence by SHA,
Funnel plot of incidence by Cancer Network,
Map of incidence by Cancer Network,
Age-specific incidence rates and number of cases diagnosed by five year age group, England 2009
Trends in incidence in women under 40, England 1989 to 2009
Scatter plot of incidence against measure of deprivation by PCT,
Funnel plot of mortality by SHA,
Funnel plot of mortality by Cancer Network,
Map of mortality by Cancer Network,
Age-specific mortality rates and number of deaths by five year age group, England
Trends in mortality in women under 40, England to
Scatter plot of mortality against measure of deprivation by PCT,
Trends in one and five-year relative survival, England to /
Funnel plot of one-year relative survival by Cancer Network,
Funnel plot of five-year relative survival by Cancer Network,
Age-specific relative survival, England (one-year) and (five-year)
Trends in age-specific one-year relative survival, England to
Trends in age-specific five-year relative survival, England to
Relative survival by deprivation, England (one-year) and (five-year)
Number of cases by morphology, England
Distribution of morphology by age group, England
Distribution of morphology by deprivation, England