“LEAP! Building the future together by promoting social mobility”


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Presentation transcript:

“LEAP! Building the future together by promoting social mobility”

Relationship between social protection spending (excluding pensions, relative to GDP) and relative reduction in the share of population (aged 0-64) at risk of poverty (as a percentage) (2010)

Source: The case for investing in disadvantaged young children, James J. Heckman.

1 - Policy Framework improve efficiency of social policies; Private and third sector resources to complement public efforts;Addressing the gender dimension; to invest in people throughout life) 2 – Recommendation on „Investing in Children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage“ (Family Resource Centers) 3 – SWD following the Active Inclusion Recommendation (adequate income, inclusive labour market and accessible quality services) 4 – SWD on ESF contribution to the SIP Applying the Social Investment Package

6 Reform of Social Policy 1 - Bring services to the Community 2 - Adjust services to „clients“ needs 3- Make clients learn self-help 4- Synergies through partnership 1- To prevent poverty by promoting social competencies 2- Bring NGOs to collaborate in a common target 3- To raise income of benefit receivers 1- Raise professional planning and management in NGOs 2- improve skills and competencies of social area professionals 3- Promote services partnerships between NGOs and the State Peer Learning and Evaluation

EXPECTED RESULTS 8 -The setting up of 6 regional social networks (LAUs) and FRCs -Public social partnerships to support the social (re)habilitation of 200 people in vulnerable situation Ex: complement of income – adequate income social mentoring programme aiming to facilitate integration in further personal development schemes (i.e. training, education, work) – quality services -A report about the impact of the social investment package in Malta will be produced as a result of the International conference, in which this thematic will be the core of it.

PARTNERS - MALTA 9 Ministry for Family and Social Solidarity – promoter Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties (including MEUSAC, MCVS, and MCESD) Ministry for Gozo Ministry for Tourism (including DLG) Ministry for Education and Employment (including MCAST, ETC, FES, FTS, AZ, UoM and NCHE) Malta Business Foundation

TRANSNATIONAL PARTNERS 10 Portugal Institute of Social Security of Portugal (public institute of Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity) Employers Association of Viana do Castelo Municipality of Viana do Castelo (public local administration ) ISCTE (University of Lisbon) CRPG – Vocational Rehabilitation Centre of Gaia (Quality of Life – a strategy for Portugal) Germany: MainArbeit – Job Centre Offenbach Ireland: POBAL (public responsible forcommunity programmes)

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Maria Joao Filgueiras-Rauch