Matthew Southgate – CHAS Business Development Manager
Aims of Todays Presentation Overview of CHAS Introduce SSIP Opportunity to ask questions about CHAS & SSIP
Overview of CHAS History –Started 12 years ago –Firstly within London, then in 2002 launched nationally –Local Government owned and managed (Merton Council) –Standards governed by National Management Board
Overview of CHAS Aims of the scheme –Reduce duplication and bureaucracy within the prequalification process SSIP Founder Member –Mutual recognition between H&S pre-qualification schemes Links with Trade Associations
Overview of CHAS –Help to improve H&S compliance Identifies areas of weakness and gives guidance (not advice) on how to rectify, common areas: –Risk Assessment (suitable & sufficient) –Competence & training of employees –Suitability of policy and arrangements –Monitoring, auditing & review
Overview of CHAS Current Status –29,500 contractors on the CHAS database
Overview of CHAS Current status –406 registered Buyers 150+ local authorities 60+ main contractors 40+ housing associations 40+ universities 90+ businesses
Overview of CHAS Current status –Largest H&S prequalification scheme in the UK –Critical mass to really assist contractors with the pre-qualification process
Overview of CHAS Uses a common standard – applies the CDM 2007 Core Criteria Application forms –Appendix or more employees, incorporating designer, CDM-C and principal contractor roles –Appendix 2A - less than 5 employees –Appendix 2B - care service providers
Overview of CHAS Assessment fees –<5 employees - £85 + VAT –5 employees - £160 + VAT –Additional fee to achieve Accreditation (<5 £55 + VAT or 5 £60 + VAT) Robust quality assurance process
Safety Schemes In Procurement Background –Merlin Report (Dec 05) Third Party Supplier Accreditation Study Uncoordinated and presented barriers –Glover Report (Nov 08) Accelerating the SME Economic Engine: through transparent, simple and strategic procurement Sensible levels (from National Standards) need to be set for prequalification
Safety Schemes In Procurement –Donaghy Report (July 09) One Death is too Many: inquiry into the underlying causes of construction fatal accidents Prequalification groups should co-ordinate their efforts and agree on acceptable transferability –PAS 91 (09/10) Prequalification Spec Standardising prequalification Stakeholder meeting in June both SSIP & CHAS used as good examples of applying a threshold standard
Safety Schemes In Procurement Key Aims of SSIP –Facilitate mutual recognition between H&S prequalification schemes –Advise and influence buyers about H&S competence standards –Embrace the core criteria as a threshold standard
Safety Schemes In Procurement Registered Members
Safety Schemes In Procurement Affiliated Members
Safety Schemes In Procurement Applications Received Considering joining
Safety Schemes In Procurement Umbrella organisation – not a scheme All registered members are audited Currently 3,000+ Buyers and 50,000+ Suppliers Drive down costs & reduce bureaucracy within prequalification
Safety Schemes In Procurement The Future –Encourage wider membership –Educate Buyers & Suppliers –Embrace Trade Association schemes
Summary CHAS –Reduce duplication –Improve health & safety SSIP –Umbrella organisation –Drive down costs & reduce bureaucracy within prequalification