ECONOMIC DIFFERENCES OF COUNTRIES BY THE RIVER DANUBE Katalin Czakó - Dávid Fekete - Veronika Poreisz TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0010 Improving talent development.


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Presentation transcript:

ECONOMIC DIFFERENCES OF COUNTRIES BY THE RIVER DANUBE Katalin Czakó - Dávid Fekete - Veronika Poreisz TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/ Improving talent development system and scientific- training workshops at Széchenyi István University

Introduction of the investigated countries Danube Strategie Economic differences – GDP per capita – Unemployment rate – High education Summary TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/ Improving talent development system and scientific- training workshops at Széchenyi István University

UPPER PART OF DANUBE MIDDLE PART OF DANUBE UNDER PART OF DANUBE Baden- Württemberg/ Bavaria AustriaHungarySlovakiaRomaniaBulgaria Area 35, km 2 /70, km 2 83,855 km 2 93,030 km 2 49,035 km 2 238,391 km 2 110,994 km 2 Population (million) 10,7 / 12,58,49,95,421,77,2 Capital cityStuttgart/ Munich ViennaBudapestBratislavaBucharestSofia Population of capital city (mill) 0,61 / 1,31,7 0,461,61,2 EU memberFounderSince 1995 Since 2004 Since 2007 CurrencyEuro ForintEuroRomanian leu Lev GDP per capita (ppp) €35,595$42,408$19,891$24,284$12,808$7,033 Flag

The Danube Strategy In 2011 the European Committee started to draw attention to the importance of countries by the river Danube within the Danube Strategy Primal targets of Danube Region Strategy are enabling long term cooperation between countries by the Danube, urging economic development, improving infrastructure, saving environmental elements and handling local problems.

GDP per capita – Upper part of Danube

GDP per capita – Middle of Danube

GDP per capita – Uder part of Danube

Unemployemt rate

Rate of peple having high education degree TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/ Improving talent development system and scientific- training workshops at Széchenyi István University

Summary Different trends of regional differences – In developed countries regional differences are stagnating/decreasing, – in moderately developed countries differences increased Role of regions with capital cities Crisis causes huge economic step back everywhere On western part of the Danube this regional differentiation changes on another way than on the eastern part. Danube-Strategy – important goal to handle and decrease regional differences especially in post socialist countries. TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/ Improving talent development system and scientific- training workshops at Széchenyi István University

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/ Improving talent development system and scientific- training workshops at Széchenyi István University