2014 Inter-Parliamentary Hearing on Exemplary Forest Policies in Africa Reflection from Youth Group Participants Caroline Kosilei [YVE Kenya] Issa Isihaka [ESAYCCA, Tanzania] Carol Mungo [YVE Kenya] Dorothy Tembo [CEPA, Malawi] Chris Ouma [KYF, Kenya]
“Certain desires seem universal – young men and women everywhere want to be SAFE, educated and respected” Conservation [Forest/Environment] Human Security [Secure Future]
Young People Agriculture [attractive] Conservation Human Security Number [Bulge] Energy [Skills] Strong policies & political goodwill Rationale
As young people,..not just to plant trees …but to grow with the trees [for a better future]
What can we do as young people? Identification and creation of database for youth environmental groups & networks etc. (work in process) for wider inputs on policies. Information dissemination - act as communication link to other young people/community to disseminate information gathered especially exemplary policies within the region. Program integration and Implementation - we commit to ‘translate’ the comprehensive policies in a more youth-friendly manner by tapping various talents [amongst young people] to further spread the information. Advocacy and activism Innovation and research - use innovation centers to encourage more young people to sustainably engage in forest management
How can we be accountable? Mobilization and Organization By keeping up the online discussion on forest policies #forestsforpeople, whereby we can keep the information/share what is happening within the region. By reaching out to well known and respected media personalities that will continue to tap young people into integrated forest management issues & influence policies. By identifying young environmental professionals/experts and create implementation models of these policies on the ground/community level.
What is our ASK to the delegates? Intense and comprehensive trainings/capacity building among youths Organize exchange programs for young people among countries with exemplary policies (i.e. Rwanda) Create more opportunities for the youth in implementation of these policies, think of young people as a key stakeholder. Let organized youth be custodians of these forest resources by acting as sustainability watch groups Offer technical/financial/emotional support to young people in their initiatives.
What is our ASK to the delegates? Creating policies that promote values [BCC] – ensure that conservation is integrated into community and national programs especially economic empowerment [placing emphasis on economic benefits of forests] Making visions of our policies have vision to foster a generation of environmentally conscious citizens, capable of positive action. Create policies to support education [e.g. on climate change] for sustainable development – this should include curriculum development Policies to ensure inceptives to innovative ideas [generated by young people] in enhancing conservation
“Society is defined not by what it CREATES, but what it refuses to DESTROY”
Thank You