Physical or Chemical Properties
Matter Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. Workbook – Read pages 170-171
Physical or Chemical Matter can change in two ways – physical or chemical.
Physical Change With a physical change no new substance is created and the original matter can be recovered. Physical change does not change the composition of the matter. The original matter is still present. The substance may seem different, but the way the atoms are linked up are the same.
Physical Change Physical changes include: Changing the shape or size Dissolving Changing from one state of matter to another
Matter Matter can change from one state to another by increasing or decreasing temperature or pressure. Read Workbook pages 172-173
Five States of Matter Bose-Einstein Condensates Solids Liquids Gases Plasmas
By adding energy the state changes. plasma + energy gas +energy liquids solids
Examples of Physical Change water evaporating or water changing to steam clothes drying in a dryer chopping wood - wood ground to sawdust erosion rock breaking mixing Kool-Aid
Chemical Change When a chemical change takes place, a new substance is made. The old matter is no longer present. The matter can not be changed back into its original state. The way the molecules are linked up is different when a chemical change takes place.
Signs of Chemical Change gas bubbles color change - leaves turning colors in the fall, rust appearing disappearance of color – fading fabric heat or light
Examples of Chemical Changes fruit rotting, food spoiling rust decay of plants burning wood silver tarnishing car burning gas baking bread
Practice Number your paper 1 – 10. Write chemical or physical for each of the following to describe the type of change which is taking place.
1. Is this a physical or chemical change? dirt added to a puddle of water
2. Is this a physical or chemical change? making whip cream
3. Is this a physical or chemical change? baking soda fizzes with vinegar
4. Is this a physical or chemical change? sharpening a pencil
5. Is this a physical or chemical change? a stick broken into small pieces
6. Is this a physical or chemical change? sugar turns brown, then black with heat
7. Is this a physical or chemical change? using hot water to expand a metal cup
8. Is this a physical or chemical change? freezing water
9. Is this a physical or chemical change? cornstarch turns black with iodine
10. Is this a physical or chemical change? toasting a marshmallow
The Answers
dirt added to a puddle of water 1. Physical Change dirt added to a puddle of water
2. Physical Change making whip cream
baking soda fizzes with vinegar 3. Chemical Change baking soda fizzes with vinegar
4. Physical Change sharpening a pencil
a stick broken into small pieces 5. Physical Change a stick broken into small pieces
sugar turns brown, then black with heat 6. Chemical Change sugar turns brown, then black with heat
using hot water to expand a metal cup 7. Physical Change using hot water to expand a metal cup
8. Physical Change freezing water
cornstarch turns black with iodine 9. Chemical Change cornstarch turns black with iodine
toasting a marshmallow 10. Chemical Change toasting a marshmallow