Total Operating Expenses
2009/2010 Operating Expenses by Function Reporting reorganized in 2010, only 2009 results restated in the reorganized form.
2009/2010 Operating Expenses by Function, Large Line Items Reporting reorganized in 2010, only 2009 results restated in the reorganized form.
2009/2010 Operating Expenses by Function Small Line Items Reporting reorganized in 2010, only 2009 results restated in the reorganized form.
Operating Expenses by Function, Large Line Items
Operating Expenses by Function, Large Line Items Reporting reorganized in 2010, only 2009 results restated in the reorganized form.
Operating Expenses by Function, Small Line Items
Non-Operating Expenses Red line is total in 2001 dollars, adjusted for inflation at CPI rate
Expenses Compared with Revenue with depreciation as an operating expense
Operating Results: Expenses Compared with Revenue without depreciation as an operating expense
Non-Operating Results: Expenses Compared with Revenue
Overall Results without depreciation: Expenses Compared with Revenue without depreciation as an operating expense