Discovered or Invented Mathematics Discovered or Invented Powerpoint Templates
What’s the diff between something discovered and something invented? What sort of things do we usually say are discovered? What sort of things are invented?
Some people beleive that math could explain everything 2 lions + 2 lambs = how many in morning? (2 + 2) – 2 = 2
Discovered or invented? Empiricists Formalists Platonists
Maths is not true by definition and it is a posteriori Empiricism Maths is not true by definition and it is a posteriori Not true by definition – there are elephants in Africa a posteriori – can only be known by experience
Maths is true by definition and it is a priori Formalism Maths is true by definition and it is a priori True by definition – all bachalors in UK are single a priori – can be known without experience
Maths is not true by definition and it is a priori Platonism Maths is not true by definition and it is a priori Not true by definition – there are elephants in Africa a priori – can be known without experience
Platonism Non trivial knowledge about reality that can be proven without experience If true – then we can discover truths about the nature of existence by the power of reason alone.
Platonism Common beleif from Euclid (300BC) until 1800s De Carte (1600s) – cogito ergo sum (axiom) Problem How can we know something by reason alone? - God, created a harmony between man & existence - Natural selection, maths is a natural by-product of our early survival skills
Discovered or invented Platonists Maths is out there waiting to be discovered Formalists Maths is defined by us & exists only in the mind
Discovered or invented Nature of existance In order for something to exist, it must be possible to observe it. Agree or Disagree?
Discovered or invented Does Maths exist? - do maths objects/concepts actually exist? Formalists No, it’s invented by us you massive egotist. It is a socio-cultural invention, Hebraic Kabbalah. Platonists Of course you fool, it’s all around us. Symetry in nature, the Fibonacci sequence
Meaning of existance Formalists No, you fool. You cannot draw a perfect circle -it’s never perfect You cannot draw a line - a lin has length but no breadth You cannot actually measure things - only to x decimal places
Meaning of existance Platonists Yes, you fool. You can make real discoveries about them I can prove that a circle has the largest possible area for any given perimeter Plato said they exist ‘out there’ as a unique type of object
Discovered or invented Meaning of existance If Romeo & Juliet are fictional characters, is it true to say Romeo loves Juliet? Does their love actually exist?