Reporting Status or Progress
Define the Subject n Break the subject into areas of discussion n List the main subject components here
Overall Status n Status of the project n Use multiple points
Schedule n Present schedule or timeline of the project n Consider using a graphic
Component One: Background n Team Involved n Description of scope or goals
Component One: Status n Accomplishments n Issues n What was learned during period of report
Component Two: Background n Team Involved n Description of scope or goals
Component Two: Status n Accomplishments n Status n Issues n What was learned during period of report
Component Three: Background n Team Involved n Description of scope or goals
Component Three: Status n Accomplishments n Status n Issues n What was learned during period of report
Component Four: Background n Team Involved n Description of scope or goals
Component Four: Status n Accomplishments n Status n Issues n What was learned during period of report
Key Issues n Prioritize the issues n Include suggested courses of action for issues
Next Steps n Summarize past actions taken n Specify future actions
Action Items and Follow-up n Define any requirements you have of your audience n Suggest a time and place for the next checkpoint