Copyright , Scott Gray1 Nouns, Part 1 The O or Second Declension
Copyright , Scott Gray2 Parsing Practice a)/gom en PAI 1P sw&zw PAI 1S gra/f ete PAI 2P lei/pe i PAI 3S qerape u/h| PMI 2S kle/pt omai PMI 1S
3 Parsing Practice cont. ginw&sk eij a)pokr i/nesqe gi/non tai e)/xei die/rx omai di/dsk ousi ginw&sk eij e)/xei j e)/rxh | ei)se/ rxetai l/eget e e)cerx o/meqa
4 Declension Declension = a pattern of changing the forms of nouns, depending on their use in the sentence 1 st Declension – characterized by A, a or h, most are feminine 2 nd Declension – characterized by O, o or w, most are masculine, some neuter 3 rd Declension – characterized by stem changes
Copyright , Scott Gray5 Gender Masculine: o9 Feminine: h9 Neuter: to/
Copyright , Scott Gray6 Number Singular Plural
Copyright , Scott Gray7 Case Case indicates the function of the noun in the sentence Voelz uses the 5 case system, we will use the 8 case system
Copyright , Scott Gray8 Case cont. 1)Nominative = naming or case of designation; most common use: subject of sentence 2)a) Genitive = case of description; most common use: to show possession, of b) Ablative = expresses source or separation, case of source; from
Copyright , Scott Gray9 Case cont. 3)a) Dative = case of personal interest; shows the Indirect Object; answers to whom or to what; to or for b) Locative = case of location; in c) Instrumental =case of instrument, expresses means; with or by
Copyright , Scott Gray10 Case cont. 4)Accusative = case of extension or limitation; common use: Direct Object 5)Vocative = case of direct address
Copyright , Scott Gray11 Presentation of Nouns SingularPlural Nominative Genative Dative Accusative
Copyright , Scott Gray12 Second Declension – Masculine & Feminine SingularPlural Nominative -oj-oi Genative -ou-wn Dative -w|-oij Accusative -on-ouj
Copyright , Scott Gray13 Second Declension – Masculine Example SingularPlural Nominative lo/g oj lo/g oi Genative lo/g ou lo/g wn Dative lo/g w| lo/g oij Accusative lo/g on lo/g ouj
Copyright , Scott Gray14 Some Examples a0delfo\j gra/fei A brother(NMS) is writing. a0delfo\j dou/lou gra/fei A brother of a slave(GMS) is writing. a0delfo\j qe/ou gra/fei A brother from God(GMS-Ablative) is writing.
Copyright , Scott Gray15 Some Examples cont a0delfo\j dou/lou gra/fei aposto/lw| A brother of a slave is writing to an apostle(DMS). a0delfo\j gra/fei dou/lw| A brother is writing by a servant (DMS - Instrumental).
Copyright , Scott Gray16 Some Examples cont a0delfo\j dou/lou gra/fei ou0ranw| A brother of a slave is writing in heaven(DMS - Locative). a0delfo\j gra/fei dou/lw| A brother is writing by a servant (DMS - Instrumental).
Copyright , Scott Gray17 Some Examples cont a0delfo\j dou/lou gra/fei aposto/lw| no/mon A brother of a slave is writing to an apostle a law(AMS)
Copyright , Scott Gray18 Second Declension – Neuter SingularPlural Nominative -on-a-a Genative -ou-wn Dative -w|-oij Accusative -on-a-a
Copyright , Scott Gray19 Second Declension – Neuter Example SingularPlural Nominative te/ knon te/ kna Genative te/ knou te/ knwn Dative te/ knw| te/ knoi j Accusative te/ knon te/ kna
Copyright , Scott Gray20 Homework Memorize the vocabulary Do the Greek to English and English to Greek translations Do the Bible Translation