Science Notebook, Log or Journal The purpose of science is to answer our questions about the nature of the world – whether we like the answers or not. Alan Leshner
Field notes : observations and experiences while in the field Species Accounts : information of each species observed; a new page per species 2 Basic Styles
Drawings Sketches Scientific Illustrations Tables, Charts, and Graphs Graphic Organizers Notes Reflective and Analytical Entries Conclusions Investigation Formats Writing Frame/ expository and creative writings Types of Entries
Scientists and their Journals The first telephone Drawing by Alexander Graham Bell, 1876 (Series: Subject File, Folder: The Telephone, Drawing of the Telephone, Bell's Original, ) used for patent – proved he was first. (you dont need to be an artist!) 4
5 Leonardo DaVinci A design for a flying machine, (c. 1488) Institut de France, Paris http ://
Excerpt from Journals of Lewis & Clark White Salmon Trout (coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch ), March 16, 1806, Codex J, p. 133r
No correct format Adjust to your style and needs Basics: Table of Contents Numbered Pages Dated Entries Organizational Elements
Date, including the year Time of day Specific Location and habitat Description of weather : temperature, cloud cover, precipitation, wind speed and direction Activity title Headings (Predictions, Observations, Results, Conclusions, Reflections) 8 Suggested Elements for Field Studies
To organize thoughts and information To reflect To refer to later for recall, use in reporting and discussions, future study To self-assess To work on expository writing To create a final product To develop a scientific habit of mind Uses by Students
Keep the notebooks in one place in class Maintain a master copy of everything in the notebook Model on overhead, model in the field, model on a poster board Use post-it notes to assist in finding a page Have students use a rubric to evaluate Use a document camera to display examples of acceptable work Have students check a partners work for specific items Tips for ease of use
To identify evidence of student learning To identify conceptual understanding To identify students misconceptions To collect evidence of student growth over time To guide instruction To differentiate curriculum Uses by Teachers
Allows for Differentiation
ASCD, (Dec. 2006, Jan. 2007) Educational Leadership: Science in the Spotlight Calhoun, J. & Mintz, E. (2004). Project Notebook. Science and Children, Nov-Dec, Campbell, B. & Fulton, L. (2003). Science notebooks. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Gilbert, J. & Kotelman, M. (2005). Five good reasons to use science notebooks. Science and Children, 43 (3), Klentschy, M. NSTA, (2008). Using Science Notebooks in Elementary Classrooms. Marcarelli, K. (2010). Teaching Science with Interactive Notebooks. Corwin Press. Shepardson, D. P., Britsch, S. J. (1997) Children's Science Journals: Tools for Teaching, Learning, and Assessing. Resources