Work Smarter, Not Harder By Barb Micucci 2012 PSCA Conference
Starting Point Data analysis Results data, perceptual data and observational data Results data, perceptual data and observational data Tier 1 intervention Reach all students and include more stakeholders Reach all students and include more stakeholders Tier 2 intervention Remedial Remedial
Stakeholders Parents Teachers Community Members Students Colleagues Teachers Community Members Students
Benefits to Including Stakeholders Visibility Effectiveness Efficiency Greater impact Pooling resources Advocacy
ASCA Roles Leaders Advocates Collaborators Systemic Change
Create an Action Plan
How Do You…….. Work Smarter Not Harder?
Academic Initiative
Homework workshop “ How to Make Homework More Bearable ”
Google Docs feedback
Parent Feedback New ways for doing homework. We made a homework plan. It was interactive and it included the children. Different ways of learning. Presentation was good & the real motivation to children was the prizes distributed during the workshop. Learning styles Prizes & “how to keep organized” Visual aids; giveaways Working with my child The learning styles activity Homework action plan Interaction was good I liked the 5-points idea Beating the clock idea
Date: _________ Print your name: ________________________________________ Teacher: ______________________________________________ Completing your homework or assignment is your responsibility as a student. Missing Assignment: _________________________ I do not have my homework today because: ___ I did the assigned homework, but I did not bring it to class. ___ I chose not to do my homework. ___ I forgot to do my homework. ___ I did not have the appropriate materials as home. ___ I did not bring it home from school. ___ Other – Please explain below. _______________________________________ Signature ____________________________
Homework Tracking
School Success Group Tier 2 intervention Reviewed data and teacher recommendations Pre and post assessment by teachers, parents and students Student monitoring Weekly desk checks, assignment book checks Weekly desk checks, assignment book checks Students self assess progress Students self assess progress Incentive system Incentive system Continued tracking of progress Continued tracking of progress
Parent Needs Assessment 1. He/she stays focused and listens during homework time. 2. He/she is organized. 3. He/she knows how to study material. 4. He/she completes his/her homework efficiently. 5. He/she has a good attitude about school.
Think, Pair, Share Think about an academic need What are you currently doing? How might you expand this intervention? Share with a neighbor
Parent Involvement Initiative
Supporting Male Students Reviewed data PSSA, achievement data, disciplinary data Counselor, Principal, Parent Book club Created opportunities for male involvement “Boys Night Out” Expanded our outreach WatchD.O.G.S. program
Supporting Male Students Boys Night Out Parent Book club Father-like Initiative
Watch Dog I just loved being the “Watch Dog”. My kids had a blast. I had a blast working with them and all of the other kids. I was wondering if I could do it on April 25th and June 1st (This is the day you said you need a lot of dads). Ashton has his birthday on April 21st and Avery on the 29th of April. So I would come in right in the middle. If I can do this don’t tell them. Just a little B day surprise. Let me know. I just loved being the “Watch Dog”. My kids had a blast. I had a blast working with them and all of the other kids. I was wondering if I could do it on April 25th and June 1st (This is the day you said you need a lot of dads). Ashton has his birthday on April 21st and Avery on the 29th of April. So I would come in right in the middle. If I can do this don’t tell them. Just a little B day surprise. Let me know. Randy Fox Randy Fox
Supporting Female Students Self referrals Individual counseling, consultations with parents Collaborated with colleague Parent workshop Parent workshop Tier 1 – Preventative 6 week grade level groups Celebrating Me and Mother/ Daughter night
Supporting Our Girls
Things to Consider Think Outside the Box Be creative Involve students in parent programs when possible Collaborate and team up with other counselors Utilize interns Utilize technology – Google docs, blogs, Skype Ongoing communication – newsletters, groups, blogs
“Action Plan” Choose an area of need Jot down what you are currently doing Are you using data to measure effectiveness? Are you involving other stakeholders? Who? Who else can you consider involving? How can you expand upon this program to make a greater impact? Choose an
Barb Micucci School Counselor Caley Elementary Upper Merion Area School District