Center for Health Statistics 2 INFANT MORTALITY RATES ALABAMA,
Center for Health Statistics 3 Infant Mortality Rates by Method of Delivery, Alabama
Center for Health Statistics 4 Percent of Births Delivered by Cesarean, Alabama and the U.S.,
Center for Health Statistics 5 Percent of 1 st Births Delivered by C-section by Mother’s Age, Alabama
Center for Health Statistics 6 Infant Mortality Rates for 1 st Births by Mother’s Age and by Cesarean Delivery, Alabama
Center for Health Statistics 7 Percent of Births by Delivery Type and Method of Payment, Alabama 2005
Center for Health Statistics 8 Infant Mortality Rates by Method of Payment, Alabama 2005
Center for Health Statistics 9 Percent Low Birth Weight Births by Method of Delivery, Alabama 2005
Center for Health Statistics 10 Infant Mortality Rates (per 1,000 Live Births) by Age at Death, Alabama 2004 and
Center for Health Statistics 11 Infant Mortality Rates for Hispanic Infants, Alabama
Center for Health Statistics 12 Number of Hispanic Births Alabama
Center for Health Statistics 13 Percent of Births by Hispanic Ethnicity and Birth Weight, Alabama 2005
Center for Health Statistics 14 Percent of Births by Hispanic Ethnicity and Trimester Prenatal Care Begun, Alabama 2005
Center for Health Statistics 15 Infant Mortality Rates by Hispanic Ethnicity and Trimester Prenatal Care Begun, Alabama 2005
Center for Health Statistics 16 Percent of Births by Hispanic Ethnicity and Method of Payment for Delivery, Alabama 2005
Center for Health Statistics 17 Infant Mortality Rates by Hispanic Ethnicity and Method of Payment of Delivery, Alabama 2005
Center for Health Statistics 18 Percent of Births and Infant Deaths by Mother’s Medical Risk Factors, Alabama 2005
Center for Health Statistics 19 Percent Intendedness, Alabama PRAMS 2004 Intended 50.0% Unintended 50.0%
Center for Health Statistics 20 Infant Mortality Rates by Maternal Drug Usage During Pregnancy, Alabama