Fishing nets or safety nets
Need to start outside the church culture
What are the differences in life between 1950 and 2010?
Going out Coming In. Christendom Spirituality Authority Authenticity Conforming Choosing Community Self reference Sunday Time Chaos Organisations Networks
Changing culture ‘What is taking place is not merely the continued decline of organised Christianity but the death of the culture which formerly conferred Christian identity upon the British people as a whole.’ Callum Browne Death of Christian Britain
“ create a linguistic community which speaks to itself but gives up responsibility to put the gospel in a language which is understood by the whole of society.”
Five implications for the church in Australia
A decline in religious affiliation Christian 1947 88% 2006 64% No religion 1947 0.4% 2006 19% NCLS
A decline in Church Attendance 1960 41% attend at least monthly 1980 25% 2000 20% NCLS
“ this majority (66%) presents a major challenge to churches. Most of them are unreceptive and closed to attending church; churchgoing is simply not on their agenda.”
“ this research helps us to understand that the further people are from church, (in terms of churchgoing) the less likely they are to attend in the future. Mission opportunities are very different when to step over the church threshold is an unknown experience…..”
40+, female, with a University degree, in first marriage, The absence of the younger generation The average age of a churchgoer is 53 Typical churchgoer is 40+, female, with a University degree, in first marriage, employed or retired. NCLS
The rising influence of spirituality “ The world today is as furiously religious as it ever was and in some places more so than ever.” Rise in Wiccas from 1996-2001 in Australia was 373%.
Are People Searching and why? 73% of people are searching 70% of people are searching because of either the credit crunch, concern about personal finances or job insecurity
Changes in the church culture Increased openness to new initiatives NCLS
“ we understood mission one way and organised life to accomplish it. We have awakened to find out the mission moved on us. To keep focusing on mission, we have to turn the furniture around and face a different direction. We may even have to move into another room.” Loren Mead. The Once and Future Church
7 principles for remodelling church
Public worship probably isn’t the best starting point 1 Public worship probably isn’t the best starting point
Loving Service Forming Community Evolving Worship Evangelism and Prayer and Support Loving Service Forming Community Evangelism and Disciple- Making Evolving Worship Listening and Following God’s call Connection
“ The foundation of being Christian is being community centred around Jesus. Public worship is the consequence of this reality, not its creator.” George Lings
There is no return address 2 There is no return address
Half the picture Ends of the Earth Samaria Judea Jerusalem
The eccentric effects… The ends of the earth Samaria Judea The centre and the Acts story shift Samaria is not a return ticket story moves from a focus on Peter to Paul the Church goes west church is done differently among Gentiles
“ cultural diversity was built into church for ever when so early in the church’s life the decision was taken to abandon the Jewish proselytite model.” Andrew Walls
3 Mission not models shape the church
assume that we can automatically ‘The reality is that mainstream culture no longer brings people to the church door. We can no longer assume that we can automatically reproduce ourselves, because the pool of people who regard church as relevant or important is decreasing with every generation’ Mission shaped church report p11
“ it is not the church of God which has a mission but the God of mission who has a church.” Tim Dearborn
4 This might change US
Dying to live “ I tell you the truth, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12; 23-6
TOGETHER TO GOD’S FUTURE ‘…do not try to call them back to where they were, and do not try to call them to where you are, beautiful as that place may seem to you. You must have the courage to go with them to a place that neither you nor they have been before.’ Vincent Donovan TOGETHER TO GOD’S FUTURE
“Safe, who said anything about being safe. Course he isn’t safe. But he is good. He’s the King I tell you.”
Welcome the three eccentrics 5 Welcome the three eccentrics
The 3 eccentrics Who are the Philips? A Dangerous Deacon? Allow space for the unknowns Discover Cornelius who evangelizes who Pray for Pauls Eccentrics will do it differently
The challenge of discipleship 6 The challenge of discipleship
Relational in its emphasis Transformational in its outcomes Simple in its nature Relational in its emphasis Transformational in its outcomes
The Pattern of Jesus Life 7 The Pattern of Jesus Life
Incarnation Cross Resurrection
Which of these principles do you find most helpful? Why? you find least helpful? Why? Any questions/comments.