Fact or Opinion How can you tell?
Statement A statement is a telling sentence. It tells a reader something. Statements can be fact or they can be opinion.
Factual statements are true. You can’t argue with facts. STATEMENTS OF FACT Factual statements are true. You can’t argue with facts. Example: We are at school.
Can anyone argue with that? STATEMENTS OF FACT Can anyone argue with that? NO! It's a fact!
Here are more facts! George Washington was the first president of the United States. Mr. Larrimore is our principals. We are in third grade. The sun shines during the day.
Class time is better than recess! STATEMENTS OF OPINION Opinion statements tell how someone feels. They aren’t always true. You can argue with an opinion. Example: Class time is better than recess!
STATEMENTS OF OPINION Can anyone argue with that? Yes! That's not how I feel! Everyone feels differently!
Here are more opinions! Winter is the best time of the year. Football is the worst sport in the world. French fries taste better with barbeque sauce.
Fact or Opinion You be the judge!
Every year has twelve months and 52 weeks. FACT Every year has twelve months and 52 weeks.
Dancing is for girls only. OPINION Dancing is for girls only.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are days of the week. FACT Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are days of the week.
The thermometer outside says 65 degrees. FACT The thermometer outside says 65 degrees.
Strawberry is the best ice cream every made. OPINION Strawberry is the best ice cream every made.
We ate dinner at my grandmother’s house last night. FACT We ate dinner at my grandmother’s house last night.
I think the New Orleans Saints are better than the Chicago Bears. OPINION I think the New Orleans Saints are better than the Chicago Bears.
Grandmothers are better than grandfathers. OPINION Grandmothers are better than grandfathers.
Only boys should play sports. OPINION Only boys should play sports.
The kings and queens used to live in castles. FACT The kings and queens used to live in castles.