Marriage is not the Goal Eccl. 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: marry well and enjoy life: for this is the whole duty of man.
Two Destructive Errors 1. Life is meaningless without marriage –Whats wrong with you? Youre single! –Dont worry, theres someone out there 2. You can only reach marriage by dating –Junior and High School Class on Dating –Concept not found in the Bible Date – couple spending time together with romantic interests and no other company
Purpose for Dating Recreational Peer Prestige Social Interaction Required before Marriage
Problem With Dating Disposable Relationships
Fast and Loose with emotions of others Develop habit of walking away from commitment Gen. 29:18 And Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter.
Problem With Dating Disposable Relationships Decisions by Immature
Decisions without God Gen. 6:1-7 married daughters of men Judges 14:1-4 Samson wanted a Philistine –Culture involved parents making arrangements –Today parents only pay for the wedding Decisions made by a teen or pre-teen who is filled with Hollywood notions of romance. Emotions aroused in a person who is not old enough to marry for another 10 years!!!
Problem With Dating Disposable Relationships Decisions by Immature Desires meet Opportunities
Opportunity for Immorality Gen. 39:11-12 Joseph was a slave who was trapped alone with his masters wife –Innocent, but no one to verify the truth –Potential for fornication was available Very real danger of single dating –Girls dress as if they are advertising –Boys do not need much persuading –Most parents feel there are no alternatives
Purpose of Courtship Protect from Immorality while preparing to marry Parental Involvement –not pre-arranged marriage –set age, time, place… –Isaac Gen. 24 –Esau Gen. 26:34-35, 27:46, 28:6-9 Communicate to learn spiritual compatibility
Purpose of Courtship Preparing yourself for Gods purpose Ruth 2:1-12 gleaning to aid mother-in-law Followed Naomis advice 3:1-4 Boaz sought right before self 3:12
Problem With Courtship Liberated children and permissive parents Misunderstood Socially Ingrained: –Movies –Music –Advertising
Purpose for Marriage Companionship Gen. 2:18 Lawful fulfillment of sexual desires –I Cor. 7:2, Heb. 13:4 To bring children into the world To fear God and obtain heaven Eccl. 12:13